PLEASE A SISTER NEED YOUR HELP AND ADVICE URGENTLY. Her story goes this way.................. Im a 28yr old married woman &I live in the East with my hubby & our 10yr old house girl. Last week Monday, my sister in law came to our house with her 14yr old only son at 8:30pm. My hubby was away on a corporate business trip so I welcomed them & went into my kitchen to boil rice for them because I had some stew, but she told me that she wanted bread & tea (which was not available). I pleaded with her to manage the rice & wait till the following morning so that we can buy her bread, but she refused. She asked our house girl to go & buy bread, but I vehemently refused because it was late & our house is quite far from the nearest provision store. After a brief altercation, she sent her 14yr old son to go buy bread that night. We became very worried & raised alarm when the boy did not return after 1hr. With the help of our neighbours & some policemen who were later contacted, we searched for the boy until Tuesday morning when his headless body was found in a bush path close to our street. Since then, every member of my husbands family has blamed me for the death of the boy, saying that I should have sent our house girl to buy the bread. Im just in a dilemma & the questions on my mind are: Is my house girl not somebodys daughter?, If I had allowed her to go out that night as my in laws expected, & she got killed by ritualists, what explanations will I make to her parents?. Somebody should pls talk to me because Im about losing my marriage as my hubby appears to be taking sides with his people. He even expected me to go buy the bread by myself (with my 7month old pregnancy).
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 13:11:31 +0000

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