PLEASE CIRCULATE UNTIL IT GETS TO THE REMOTEST VOTER IN NIGERIA: I feel strong about this, Me and you, like any other mortal, not excluding Buhari and Jonathan, have our not so printable pasts. My thesis is NOT that Buhari is the awaited Messiah who will take all our pains and sorrows away and establish all living and unborn citizens on Easy Street of Nigeria forever. Rather, my point IS THAT the ruling party (PDP) has stayed in power for one and a half decade without any commensurate achievement. Similarly, Jonathan has been in power for six out of those 15 years of PDP administration or maladministration as the case maybe. Now he wants another four years to get 10 years of GEJ administration or maladministration as the case maybe. Yet, insecurity, corruption, and poverty remain the lot of the masses. Therefore, all Im essentially canvassing is a democratic change of the party at the centre to any other available option so that perchance, Nigeria will gradually become a better place for us all. My political-philosophy is government by the most competent, irrespective of demographic peculiarity. My next president may be a Buddhist or Hindus, for all I care is as long as he or she can deliver enduring welfare for all law-abiding citizens. However, when the chips are down, I prefer a Buhari who kidnapped Umaru Dikko (his fellow Muslim-Northerner) from UK to face charges of corruption at home than a Jonathan who pardoned Diprieye Alamaisegha (his fellow Christian-Southerner and an internationally acclaimed treasury-looter) as president. If all you can see in Jonathan is the fact that he shares a Christian-Southern demographic classification with you, I wish you goodluck even though it is not guaranteed. I rest my case. Please feel free to re-broadcast. Copyrights voluntarily relinquished to all.what about you?
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 21:40:53 +0000

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