PLEASE DONT CLOSE MY SCHOOL - written by 12 year old - TopicsExpress


PLEASE DONT CLOSE MY SCHOOL - written by 12 year old Naomi(y8) 20/1/15 Dear Nicky Morgan, Please don’t close The Durham Free School,it is an amazing School and I want you to know that I have not been told to send this to you, I am sending this to you because it is clearly not fair that you are trying to close The Durham Free School because apparently it’s below expected behavior standards or something, because a few ofsted inspectors spoke to a very small worked up group of pupils and you are now trying to judge the whole school on that narrow view. I say worked up because it isn’t exactly something that happens every day that you are unexpectedly pulled out of a lesson to talk to some people you have never met before in your whole life and made to answer their searching questions! The Durham Free School is an amazing school where in every lesson one can learn something new, including grammar! One year 7 said on the school bus today said if you close this school ‘‘I will hide in a cupboard and not come out unless school is re-opened!’’ A pupil who has joined from another school mentioned how troublesome pupils used to be kept out of the way during ofsted in that school so that the ofsted inspectors would not see them whilst the rest were offered rewards for good behaviour. The Durham Free School did not do this but allowed pupils the freedom to give what answers they chose to inspectors questions and showed inspectors into lessons where the pupils had also been allowed freedom to act normally. This correct use of ofsted meant that they got dropped in the deep end! Other schools with low ofsteds have been given a year or two to sort themselves out but The Durham Free School has been given a couple of weeks!Grindon Hall has been put on special measures,also a Christian based free school - people are going to start putting two and two together. It is an amazing school and much better than a lot of schools, if you are upset or annoyed in school the teachers always try their hardest to find out what is the problem and sort it out, no matter how stretched they may already be with marking and other jobs. If you are finding work hard the teachers always do whatever they can to help,even if it means missing what otherwise would be a well deserved free period on their part. I want you to come and visit the school and see what it is really like from the inside,rather than looking at the hard outer shell of tangled politics knotted around it and see what it is really like from the inside, a caring, kind school family atmosphere hanging around a group of teachers who really care for the education and well being of their pupils and a group of children who are happy to ‘‘work and play’’as hard as they can to do well and to be friends together. Yes no one is perfect and punishments still have to be given out and detentions served,but it is a very good school, much better than the sink or swim attitude taken by many secondaries at the moment. I want you to come up to Durham and talk to me and my friends in the school and see what it is really like from the inside. from Naomi Denning - I’m a year 8 pupil at the Durham Free School
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 09:46:30 +0000

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