PLEASE DONT WAIT 2 MORE YEARS , HELL HAVE DESTROYED AMERICA BY THEN .......REVOLT NOW !!!!!!!! Navy Seal Ben Smith For President 2016 shared Benjamin Smiths video. 5 hours ago . VETERANS, take point, duty calls you to act.... PATRIOTS, on there 6..... MILITIA is already in DC, as usual..... CITIZENS, time to earn ur citizenship.... - For FERGUSON - For PATRIOTS STANDING AT WHITE HOUSE - For America in this time of TREASON. Civil disobedience is a must! I cant tell u what to do (Im not there, Im sure you can think of something outragous) but whatever you do, make it impactual, clever and publicly painful for anyone to commit atrocities upon u.... HAVE A CAMERA! As the hippies/Commies did in the 60s we might have to get some teeth kicked in and people get abused because without people getting angry, hurt or killed, america will do nothing. We have become acustomed to violence and unphased by it. We have to get people to FEEL what is going on with their heart and soul ..... they must get angry or hungry..... logic and intelligence with a questioning attitude have gone from us.... this is because we are allowed to fail. We have the option to do so without repercussions... - The CAMERA IS YOUR WEAPON because you know the mainstream media and government will not hear you unless public sees you, hears and feels the pain that is inflicted upon you. It must be recorded, otherwise it/we do not exist. Your comfort level has to be discarded for the proper engagement of this evil. Evil and apathy and indifference are our foes here. There will be plants in the throngs for and against u. Lead.... We must live like Patriots or die as peasants. We will be kings locked in our ivory towers. We feel that the country will rite itself without our involvement. The problem is everyone else feels the same. We fend for ourselves when we should sacrifice for all ..... posterity will remember us as weak and treasonous because we betray our founders principal, logic and goodness in GOD,...... for INDIFERENCE is our sin and all the evils around us count on it. They thrive on it. They will enslave and kill us with it. Freedom and liberty die with US!. Without LIBERTY there is nothing but death. In this death, your soul dies every day in a SLAVERY WITHOUT CHAINS and DEEPER THAN ANY EARTHLY BONDS can ever take you. At least in chains, you cant die.... escape! DC - IMMIGRATION - FERGUSON are all blowing up..... be smart about everything... they want u to pop or to be confused into turning away from what they are perpetuating.... Nothing to see here Get some.... we are not at the HOT part of this COLD CIVIL WAR but Im sure they are devising a way to make us try to eat each other while they bite deeper (modus operendi for warfare or clandestine nature) Dont take the race bait.... remember that u are Gods child and there is no color to ur soul, no age and no class.... not even religion for we are all Gods children. ...... for Good - Citizen Soldier - Civil Disobedient - SEAL Veteran Benjamin Smith
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 08:06:43 +0000

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