PLEASE GIVE ME SOMETIME 18-19 But he said, “I am also a - TopicsExpress


PLEASE GIVE ME SOMETIME 18-19 But he said, “I am also a prophet, just like you. And an angel came to me with a message from God: ‘Bring him home with you, and give him a good meal!’” But the man was lying. So the holy man went home with him and they had a meal together. 20-22 There they were, sitting at the table together, when the word of God came to the prophet who had brought him back. He confronted the holy man who had come from Judah: “God’s word to you: You disobeyed God’s command; you didn’t keep the strict orders your God gave you; you came back and sat down to a good meal in the very place God told you, ‘Don’t eat a crumb; don’t drink a drop.’ For that you’re going to die far from home and not be buried in your ancestral tomb.” 1 Kings 13: 18-22 MSG One of the things I dread most in my life is the fear of not getting there. I believe that there are many books that should have been in the bible today but they were never written. Thomas witnessed everything Jesus did from day one but he never gave his own testimony and so we will never know. I believe one of the reasons we have a serious problem with money in the church is because Judas did not fulfil his ministry. He should have been the one to teach the church the truth about church budgeting and financing, but he failed. There is one ministerial failure in the bible that is heart-wrenching. It is the story of a prophet that possibly would have been more celebrated than Isaiah or Elijah. This man had potential. This man knew God and was distinguished from the hordes of prophets in the land. His biography is narrated in1 Kings 13. Shortly after the breakup of Israel, Jeroboam was leading the northern 10 tribes in acts of idolatory against the wish of God. This prophet was sent by God to prophesy about things that were so far ahead no one could believe him. His was not one of those generic prophecies. He gave very specific details that can only be fulfilled in one person. He said a son will be born in Judah, he will be named Josiah and he shall desecrate the altar with human bones. This prophecy came to its exact fulfilment after 350 years! That was the clarity of the vision of this prophet. But we read only of this one exploit and nothing again, because he stopped too soon. He stopped to rest when he should have pushed on into greater glory. He stopped to consider the greatness of what he has just experienced, rather than push into the greatness of what he has not experienced. This is a great danger to the young minister. While resting, an old prophet came asking him to break all the specific commandments God had given him, (don’t return through the same road, don’t eat, don’t drink). The old prophet probably wanted to just mentor and connect with the new anointing. But this was against God’s wish. Resting was not the problem, the greater problem was that he relied on the anointing of the older prophet. This older prophet has spent his anointing. He has fulfilled his ministry and that was why even though he was in the same city, yet God went to Judah and brought a prophet to speak to the king. How come the younger prophet did not trust his own anointing and what he had heard directly from God? God is raising a new set of ministers today, people who will champion the cause of the church in these tumultuous times. He needs individuals who will be brave, bold and confident in what they carry. He need young people who are willing to stand up for the anointing and stand by their personal convictions. He needs people who are not afraid of being different. He needs you. How many books are yet unwritten? How many songs are yet to be sung? How many crusades are yet to be sponsored, how many businesses are yet to be started all because a young minister is not so sure of himself or thinks he is not as anointed or as skilled? Yes I may not write like John Maxwell yet, but I am on my way there. Yes DeepWords may not have the readership of Rhapsodies of Reality or Open Heavens yet, but we are on our way. Yes, I may not preach like T. D. Jakes yet, but I am on my way there. Yes, the blind has not been cured in your ministry or the dead raised in your service like in Atmosphere for Miracles, but you are on my way there. Yes, you may not sing like Sinach, but you are almost there. Give us some time! I may not have a gathering like Holy Ghost Convention of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, but give me sometime! And this is not just about religion. Your business may not be like Dangote’s but you are on your way! The world needs better fashion designers, greater architects, better politicians, greater inventors and God desires that all these will come from the body of Christian Youths. Where is your place in all of this great movement? Don’t despise the littleness of the beginning. Don’t despise the seed. Don’t despise yourself. The only difference between you and these people is Time. The only difference between here and there is T. T is for time. Given some time, this young prophet would have shared the stage with Elijah or even Isaiah but he stopped short and missed it. No wonder Paul counsels another young preacher: 17 say to Archippus, “Be sure that you DO ALL the Lord has told you to.” Col 4:17 (LB) King James puts it like this – take heed that you fulfil the ministry. Don’t stop here. You are almost there! Pray with dream heaven has committed into my hand will die in Jesus name. ALMOST THERE... © DeepWords Devotional
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 05:31:48 +0000

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