PLEASE HELP ME - I DIE ON MONDAY, 03/10/14, UNLESS SOMEONE LIKE YOU STEPS UP FOR ME AND SAVES MY DEAR LIFE! PLEASE READ THE NICE THINGS THEY HAVE TO SAY ABOUT ME AT THE SHELTER: Aria is a shy young lady who has had some difficulty adjusting to her new circumstances. Found as a stray in an apartment building by a cop, she bit him on the leg (thus her DOH status), and was transported to the shelter, tranquilized. Upon arrival she had mild bleeding from her mouth, a bloody coat, long nails, and dirty ears. Well never now how she arrived at that stage, or how she came to be abandoned. When we first met, Aria didnt seem to want to make friends. She was forward in her cage with teeth bared. She would not look directly at me but, rather, peered at me out of the corner of her widened eyes. But there was something else. Her body trembled and, as I spoke to her, I could see she was trying to relax. As soon as the leash looped around her neck her eyes softened a bit. When the cage door opened, Aria took a step out, looked up at me for the first time, and gingerly proceeded down the hall. Our first few walks were as polite acquaintances but her caged greetings began to transform each time we met. And then, as with all meaningful relationships and time spent, our bond began to slowly grow. Walks transformed into lap sitting and petting sessions as I saw quiet, sad Aria transform into an affectionate girl whos sole desire was to be held by someone she trusted. She is resilient, yet incredibly insecure and delicate- a wallflower really. In the midst of her ten day stay Aria quickly came down with kennel cough. The worse she feels, the more she seems to crave contact and comfort. And so our relationship has developed. She is not friendly to all. Nor is she polite with everyone she meets. Aria will protect herself and not reveal too much. But Ive had a glimpse of what lies beneath. She is a beauty in every way who has the clear makings of a gentle, loyal companion once she no longer feels threatened and understands that she is loved. If you are one to never judge a book by its cover, take a chance on Aria. If you have the time and patience, she will not disappoint.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 03:55:31 +0000

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