PLEASE HELP ME - I DIE ON SUNDAY, 08/03/14, UNLESS SOMEONE LIKE YOU STEPS UP FOR ME AND SAVES MY DEAR LIFE! PLEASE READ THE NICE THINGS THEY HAVE TO SAY ABOUT ME AT THE SHELTER: The Urban Dictionary defines the name Precious as Something that means more to you than anyone could understand. Its value and worth cant be defined and youd do anything to keep it. Beautiful and delicate. Wow, could any name be more appropriate for this little girl than Precious? I dont think so. At 8 years young, Precious has given birth to several litters, and while most of her coat is shiny and healthy there are bald spots which may be the result of so many of her nutrients going to her puppies. A slightly graying muzzle is an additional age indicator but other than that shes alert, a good walker, attentive and smart. She has a mellow, calm and sweet demeanor, coming when I call her, wagging her tail gently and laying her head in my lap for some snuggles. We were in the center pen and there were dogs on either side of us, Precious went from side to side, greeting the other dogs through the small opening and it reminded me of a mama checking out and reassuring her flock..... I left her alone for a few minutes while I tended to another dog and each time I checked on her she was quiet, simply holding her head up to sniff the air and watch the birds. We dont know anything about her past other than what her physical and social condition tells us, nor can we do anything about it. What we can do is give her a future of love, a soft bed and people who care about her. She makes it so easy to love her.....give it a try. Ask to meet our Precious today.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 03:07:50 +0000

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