PLEASE HELP ME - I DIE ON TUESDAY, 09/23/14, UNLESS SOMEONE LIKE YOU STEPS UP FOR ME AND SAVES MY DEAR LIFE! PLEASE READ THE NICE THINGS THEY HAVE TO SAY ABOUT ME AT THE SHELTER: And the award for Most Laid Back Dog goes to….Scooby! Having met a lot of dogs in the shelter, generally they are a bit nervous, often shy, at least at first. But not Scooby. My first impressions of him mostly involved his appearance. His one ear tends to stand straight up, and the other sort of bounces about and to the side. He has a coat and brown spots that are reminiscent of a Guernsey cow, and his subtle underbite is positively adorable. But the most magnetic quality of this delightful pup is his personality. It was apparent right away what a calm demeanor he has. He is so pleasant to walk, never pulling it all. He greets other people and dogs with a casual, albeit friendly, attitude. And when you take a minute to soak in the sun with Scooby, he lays down, stretches out, props his head on his paws and takes in his surroundings as if hes on a beach house veranda drinking an iced tea. In his social way, he will even roll over a bit and let you rub his belly, or reach out a paw to hold your hand. While theres something to be said for an active, energetic, dog, I far prefer a dog who will chill out with me and enjoy life at a slightly more relaxed, peaceful speed. If you have the same taste in dogs as I do, come to the Brooklyn Care Center and ask to meet Scooby, our resident zen master!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 04:25:12 +0000

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