PLEASE HELP ME BY SENDING REQUESTS THAT SHE STOP USING THIS VERY PERSONAL IMAGE! Offender: https://facebook/suszanne.howarth Original art in artists gallery: novawuff.deviantart/art/WhipStitch-WolfThing-159862152 Below you will see photo evidence if the reposted message here and her very disrespectful response before blocking me. These are the kinds of people that need to be dealt with. Original message (which included above links): The image youre using as an icon was painted for me and my use only on April 6th, 2010 by a friend and fellow artist known as NovaWuff. The link Im including is to the original image posted in her gallery. I have contacted Nova and confirmed that she did not give anyone permission to be reusing it; on Facebook or anywhere else. This is a picture done for me of MY character and you do not have permission to be using it however and wherever you please. Doing so without permission is illegal via copyright law and considered art theft because neither the art nor the character in it belong to you. DO NOT USE THIS. Please remove this image from your profile. If this is not done; both Nova and I will file intellectual property violations against you. Please respect art. Many pieces are made for others and have a lot of personal meaning and symbolism and treating them like they were made for you to do what you want with is very upsetting and disrespectful. Thank you.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 05:35:08 +0000

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