PLEASE HELP ME FINISH MY LAST ILLINOIS FILM BEFORE I MOVE! Im in need of an Executive Producer (contribution amount of $220) and and Associate Producer (contribution amount of $80) for my current Comedy film project What In The Sam Hill! This is MY LAST FILM IN ILLINOIS BEFORE I MOVE out of state to Tennessee. We are currently in production and I have a few things I need to get to finish it up. Perks include: EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Package ($220): Thank you on Facebook, Signed Script, DVD of completed film, Credited on film and IMDb as Executive Producer, movie poster and two 5x7 production stills. Invite to official wrap party and world premier screening. In addition you have your name in the opening credits of film and will be provided a link to a private online screener to see the film before it world premiers. (shipping of DVD / Poster / Stills / Script included / transportation to wrap party / premier not included). ASSOCIATE PRODUCER Package ($80): Credited as Associate Producer in film credits, on Facebook, IMDb, autographed copy of the script, own the completed film on DVD when finished and invite to the official wrap party & premier! (shipping of DVD and script included, transportation to wrap party / premier not included). Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions. Contribution can be made via PayPal or Credit/Debit by phone. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider. I hope you will be part of my last project in Illinois before the big move! ~ Willy Adkins / Breaking Fate Entertainment
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 01:14:13 +0000

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