PLEASE HELP ME HERE PEOPLE. I KNOW THAT THE THINGS THAT I POST HERE CAN RUB PEOPLE THE WRONG WAY. BUT PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND IF MY QUESTION HERE WAS INAPPROPRIATE. A CERTAIN WELL KNOW ACADEMIC PERSONALITY POSTED THIS ON THEIR FB WALL 1) THE PROFESSOR: I watched Khumbulekhaya last night and listened to the woman who talked about how tough her growing up was without her dad. With great emotion she explained how she, her siblings together with her mom spent days without food – just drinking water because there was nothing to eat. Yes absolutely nothing to eat. I know this sounds unbelievable but it does happen. Often when we talk about poverty we do not mean the same thing. I remember how shocked I was while at varsity when one of my white friends told me about how poor her family was and how they drove an old Volkswagen while other families had proper cars. It used to shock me because in my poverty growing up owning an old Volkswagen was affluence. Yes, owning a car of any kind or quality was an unthinkable for us. But my poverty was still better than the one that the woman on Khumbulekhaya was talking about because at least we had pap even if we had it with sugared water. We had something to eat at least once a day, even though it was not as nutritious as it should be. The Khumbulekhaya woman had nothing. These differences in levels of poverty still exist today. There are people who lack resources to sustain life and these are really poor people, then there are people who call themselves poor when in fact all they are is relatively poor compared to others because they have some things, but not sufficient. They may even have an income but perhaps it is inadequate when compared to the average living standards. The point is that there are still very poor people in our country who are so hungry that they do not even have the energy to go out toyitoying because they have not had anything to eat. Not all of us who claim to be poor or claim to have grown up poor have experienced the absolute poverty that the woman on Khumbulekhaya was talking about. #WiseUp 2) MY QUESTION: I read all that and I get the differences in the levels of poverty. What I dont get clear is what exactly is the message or lesson contained here. Is the lesson here that we must be aware of these differences before we complain about anything? Or is there more to it than that? 3) THE RESPONSE TO MY QUESTION FROM THE PROFESSOR: Modulakgotla you dont have to take anything from my post. As a matter if fact you also dont have to read them either. It is my wall and I write what I like. Sorry that it means nothing to you 4) FOLLOWED BY THE PROFESSOR BLOCKING ME AS I WAS ABOUT TO POST THIS: Haaai read my question again. I am asking for a simple clarification because I am not clear about what you are saying. I am NOT accusing you of anything.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 11:08:05 +0000

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