PLEASE HELP ME TO BRING ABOUT TRUE ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY IN ONTARIO IN ORDER TO IMPROVE AND PROTECT PATIENT SAFETY. My daughters Death via negligence: How on earth can they all state my daughter had the proper care and the Standards of Care were met when she had absolutely no antibiotics? --- open abdominal surgery to remove a tumour and a colon resection done without the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis ----- abdominal incision infected oozing purulent fluid and all staples removed with no antibiotics given ----test result came back stating many gram negative bacilli (in same category as C Difficile) and still no antibiotics? She bled to death less than 12 hours after being discharged. Plus numerous other issues ignored by those below. Ontario Citizens, please contact the HPARB officials below asking them to reconsider their previous three decisions regarding the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons three inept decisions based on opinion only and not supported by fact! I USUALLY DONT GET A RESPONSE FROM HPARB, KATHERINE WYNNE--THE PREMIER, DEB MATTHEWS--THE HEALTH MINISTER, DIRK HUYER--THE ACTING CHIEF CORONER ALL OF THE ABOVE HAVE THEIR SALARIES PAID BY US, THE TAXPAYERS. SHOULD WE NOT EXPECT THE DECENCY OF A RESPONSE???? HPARB [email protected] [email protected] And for the Provincial Ombudsman to investigate the three HPARB decisions [email protected] [email protected] And the Premier and Minister of Health to investigate both the College of Physicians and Surgeons and HPARB [email protected] [email protected] AND YOUR OWN MPP Humber River Regional Hospital [email protected] COO of Humber River Regional Hospital -- Barb Collins [email protected] CEO of Humber River Regional Hospital -- Rueben Devlin And contact the Acting Ontario Chief Coroner, Dirk Huyer asking for a thorough review of Terras death investigation by calling on a public inquest. [email protected] ***************************************** Ms Lamoureux [email protected] I am again asking HPARB to do what they do have the authority to do: Power to reconsider a decision of the Board 16.5 The Board, on its own motion or at the request of a party to a proceeding, may reconsider any decision made by it and may confirm, amend or revoke it. The Board may do so at any time if it considers it advisable to do so. ************************************************ Dear Mr. Huyer [email protected] Acting Ontario Chief Coroner Mr Huyer, I am asking you to review the entire file on Terras death and the many request I had made in the past. The Chief Coroners Office also participated in the cover up of Terras death first to protect the surgeon and then to protect themselves due to a deliberate inept death investigation. Do the right thing and conduct a public inquest. This will lead to true transparency and accountability in Ontario with regard to death investigations. I wouldnt be a bit surprised that there may be numerous pieces of correspondence missing that was sent to either Dr. McCallum and/or Dr. Lauwers prior to them leaving the Chief Coroners Office. Eventually, the truth will come out, ---- would it not be better coming from within the Chief Coroners Office as opposed to reading it in the newspaper and viewing it on TV? It will expose not only the Chief Coroners Office but also the Ministry of Corrections and the entire Liberal Government. Remember Dr Charles Smith? Just think of the deaths that could have been prevented had Dr. Lauwers and Dr McCallum listened to my concerns, investigated openly and truthfully. I WONDER HOW MANY OTHER DEATH INVESTIGATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH AN ONTARIO SURGEON/HOSPITAL HAVE DELIBERATELY NOT BEEN THOROUGH? Hopefully, I can get this to air prior to the next Provincial Election. You have my permission to obtain from HPARB my second and third submissions which are more relevant than the first as I just began to understand the medical information contained within the records. You also have permission to ask the DIOC for my submission and correspondence to them. ALSO CHECK OUT MY BLOG FOUND AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS E-MAIL. Pay close attention to Dr. Lauwers so-called and unnamed experts report which deliberately omitted crucial information. Apparently, all decisions were based upon this flawed report. How can this expert completely omit the fact that the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis was not done!!!!!! And my attempts to point this out to Dr. Lauwers and Dr. McCallum were in vain as all they restated the file was closed and they never commented on this one fact plus numerous other issues I had pointed out to them. Also, you should look at your files dealing with all deaths associated with Dr. Klein after my daughters death which there are many. Most recently from what I can obtain is the death of Crystal Rose, only 27 years of age this past December!!!! Respectfully yours, Arnold Kilby THE BLOG TELLS THE WHOLE STORY. PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO YOUR FRIENDS. I NEED YOUR HELP TO GET IN TOUCH WITH AS MANY PEOPLE IN ONTARIO AS POSSIBLE. Terra Dawn Kilby An Angel In Our Lives April 22/78 to July 21/06
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 14:12:34 +0000

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