PLEASE HELP SHARE THE TRUTH, EXPOSE THEIR BLATANT LIES and VOTE YES to I-522 on Nov. 5th! A lawsuit brought by Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson forced the G.M.A. (Groceries Manufacturers Association) to come clean and disclose these anonymous ILLEGAL DONORS to the NO TO I-522 campaign G.M.A was hiding. Bob Ferguson, Washington State Attorney General said, “The people of Washington demand transparency in elections: I’m pleased that the G.M.A. board (finally) recognized this responsibility to disclose the names of corporate contributors to oppose Initiative 522, and the amount of this contribution (after I sued them!) DONT BE MISLED BY THOSE DESPERATE NO TO I-522 TV ADS WITH BLATANT LIES FUNDED BY ILLEGAL CAMPAIGN MONEY-LAUNDERING FUNDS FROM G.M.A. (Groceries Manufacturers Association) REPRESENTING SPECIAL CORPORATE INTERESTS OF IMMORAL, GREEDY and EVIL BIG PHARMAS, BIOTECH & PESTICIDE COMPANIES (e.g., MONSANTO, BAYER, BASF, DOW CHEMICAL, DUPONT, etc. who defeated Californias I-37 Bill by a narrow margin by confusing voters with lying TV Ads and Mass Media Propaganda); AND NOT REPRESENTING PUBLIC HEALTH INTERESTS OR ENVIRONMENTAL INTERESTS. THERE WILL BE *NO* INCREASE IN FOOD & GROCERIES BILLS BASED ON STUDIES BY CONSUMER UNION (Consumer Reports Magazine) of 64 other Developed Countries including most of Europe Union (Italy, France, Germany, etc.), Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, and most recently Mexico (the birthplace of Corn) WHO ALREADY MANDATORY LABEL, RESTRICT or BAN G.M.O. SEEDS & G.M.O. FOODS IN THEIR COUNTRIES BECAUSE MOST FOODS ARE ALREADY LABELED AND MANUFACTURERS SIMPLY HAVE TO TELL THE TRUTH OF WHATS IN IT! G.M.A WAS SUED BY WASHINGTON STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE VIOLATION! THE NO CAMPAIGN DONORS HIDE THEIR NAMES BECAUSE THEY ARE ASHAMED OF AND DONT WANT YOU TO KNOW WHATS THEY PUT IN YOUR FOOD AND DONT WANT TO LABEL THEM! FIND OUT WHAT ELSE THE NO SIDE IS HIDING @ https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=612584178803736&set=a.527305570664931.1073741828.516766995052122&type=1&theater BOYCOTT these greedy, immoral, and cunning National Brands who dont want you to know if youre eating G.M.O. ingredients because they have something to HIDE --- not only in their product ingredients, but their own donations to the NO campaign, as well! WHAT ELSE ARE THEY HIDING FROM YOU AND DONT WANT YOU TO KNOW BECAUSE LABELING THEIR FOODS WILL DISCLOSE THEIR LIES??? https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=645594392147041&set=a.482231601816655.113449.478981558808326&type=1&theater If you want to see independent and objective scientific studies (not funded by Big Pharmas, BioTech, or Pesticide companies, Monsantos hired guns and Faux Scientists) and GLOBAL EVIDENCE of what G.M.O. had been doing and will continue to do to Animals, Birds, Honeybees, LiveStock, AND Humans AROUND THE WORLD with IMMINENT HARM TO THE ENVIRONMENT as MEXICOs JUDGE WHO ORDERED IMMEDIATE BAN ON GMO puts it, look no further than this website here: gmoevidence/ A group of 93 international scientists (the real kind, not the ones paid by the biotech industry), physicians and academics signed a statement to set the record straight. No, they wrote. Despite the many claims to the contrary, there is no consensus that GMOs are safe. https://facebook/#!/photo.php?fbid=10151823996094934&set=a.10150142479999934.291724.13341879933&type=1&theater 8 FOODS EVEN THE EXPERT FOOD SCIENTISTS, FARMERS AND FOOD MANUFACTURERS WONT EAT THEMSELVES OR FEED TO THEIR OWN KIDS!!! WHY ARENT THESE FOODS BANNED AND STILL ALLOWED BY THE FDA!?! The Monsanto, FDA, USDA, EPA Revolving Door Investigation Video Below Explains It ALL! >:-P trueactivist/8-foods-even-the-experts-wont-eat/ MUST WATCH Video by Dr. Jenny Pompilo, M.D. of Oregon Physicians for SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY on how to avoid rBGH/rBST Bovine Growth Hormones in Beef & Dairy (directly linked to CANCER & TUMOR GROWTH in Laboratory Animal Studies) which are just as bad as GMO if not worse. CANADA, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND & 27 Countries in EU (European Union) already BAN rBGH/rBST Bovine Growth Hormone and at least 64 developed countries (including Mexico just recently) already LABEL, RESTRICT and/or BAN GMO but ironically they are still allowed to be used on cattles in the U.S. due to FDA Corruption by Monsanto. Watch this Monsanto, FDA, USDA, EPA Revolving Door investigation video and You Shall Know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall set you GMO FREE! youtube/watch?v=GjNHVeObevs U.S. NOW HAS THE HIGHEST CANCER RATE IN THE WORLD DESPITE THE MOST ADVANCED MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES! WHY? EVERY PARENT MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO AND SHARE this TEDxAustin Talk by Robyn OBrien, a mother of 4 children, Modern-Day Erin Brokovich, Real Food Evangelist, Crusader and Advocate for KIDS HEALTH as she shares her own personal experience, research and sheds light on GMO, Cancer, and Food Allergies. eatlocalgrown/video/11895-kids-food-allergies-gmos.html Join Socially-Responsible & Environmentally-Conscious CONSUMER UNION (Consumer Report Magazine), Chipotle, Whole Foods, Ben & Jerry and 64 other Developed Countries Government (including most of Europe (Italy, France, Germany, etc.), Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, and most recently Mexico (the birthplace of Corn) who already LABEL, RESTRICT or BAN G.M.O. SEEDS & G.M.O. FOODS. MEXICOs Judge recently ruled that the G.M.O. CORN POSED ”THE RISK OF IMMINENT HARM TO THE ENVIRONMENT! and ordered Mexicos equivalent of U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), to immediately “SUSPEND ALL ACTIVITIES INVOLVING THE PLANTING OF TRANSGENIC CORN IN MEXICO AND END THE GRANTING OF PERMISSION FOR EXPERIMENTAL AND PILOT COMMERCIAL PLANTINGS OF G.M.O. CORN BY MONSANTO and OTHER U.S. BIOTECH and CHEMICAL PESTICIDE COMPANIES! READ MORE @ care2/causes/mexico-bans-gmo-corn-effective-immediately.html#ixzz2iQTU71vs O:-) VOTE with your Consumer Dollars! Download the #BUYCOTT? Mobile App. to SCAN, DETECT, and BOYCOTT G.M.O. (Genetically Modified) FOODS NOW! VOTE YES with your CONSUMER DOLLARS to SUPPORT #I522 (Washington States TRUTH IN GMO LABELING) BILL TO SAVE MOTHER NATURE & PLANET EARTH! VOTE NO TO CORPORATE GREED; PROFIT-HUNGRY, CUNNING & EVIL FOOD MANUFACTURERES WHO HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE AND DONT WANT YOU TO KNOW AND ARE COLLABORATING WITH EVIL BIOTECH, BIG PHARMA & PESTICIDE COMPANIES LIKE MONSANTO WHO ARE PLAYING GOD, GENETICALLY MODIFYING SEEDS TO BUILD-IN TOXIC PESTICIDES, CONTAMINATING OUR SEEDS & FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN, DESTROYING OUR PRECIOUS AND IRREPLACEABLE ENVIRONMENT, OCEAN, SEALIFE, WILDLIFE, BIRDS, HONEY BEES, ECOSYSTEM, BIODIVERSITY, MOTHER NATURE & PLANET EARTH! 3:- Join the Buycott! buycott/campaign/674/buy-organic-brands-that-support-your-right-to-know SUPPORT these YES on I-522 National Brands, Farmers and Government Officials: https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=612463315482489&set=a.527305570664931.1073741828.516766995052122&type=1&theater The Consumers Union (Consumer Reports Magazine) Endorses Washingtons Manditory GMO Labeling Initiative: I-522 https://youtube/watch?v=Ornyp8FNTPQ#t=14 Please help spread the word! Share this image on your wall and take a moment to speak to Washington voters. Voters in Washington State are facing a barrage of lying and misleading TV Ads and Mass Media Propaganda designed to confuse and scare people in to voting against mandatory GMO labeling. The Yes on 522 campaign is working hard to bring the truth to voters (as seen in this ad), but they need your help! Please take some time and volunteer to make some phone calls to voters in Washington, its easy, its free, and it makes a big difference! Call Washington voters now: salsa3.salsalabs/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=0%2FzT9FSBcpwZYiavmLtxO2b49I6DY6cT Watch the new TV Ad from the Consumers Union (Consumer Reports Magazine): https://youtube/watch?v=Ornyp8FNTPQ#t=14 Read more: blog.seattlepi/seattlepolitics/2013/10/18/pepsi-coke-nestle-top-multi-million-dollar-campaign-against-i-522 #GMOs #RightToKnow #LabelGMOs #YesOn522
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 17:37:07 +0000

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