PLEASE HELP ZANIE JACKSON AND HIS FAMILY STAY IN THEIR HOME Dear Members, Our petition signing, calls, and emails work! Recently, OOHA resident Ladora Santoro just won a modification and shes doing great. Lets help Zannie feel great too! Were going to have to raise our voices in unison again so that IBM and Seterus can hear us fighting for Zannie! Zannies feeling hopeful about his health, but Seterus and IBM arent giving him very much hope as he struggles to keep his home. With another push we can bring IBM and their mortgage servicing subsidiary Seterus Inc. back to the table to negotiate an affordable and permanent loan modification. Zannies been fighting kidney failure and hes got strength to fight for his home too! Can you stand with Zannie today? Please call and email Tracy L. Glen, Loss Mitigation and Mortgage Servicing, Seterus Inc. Contact: Tracy L. Glen, Loss Mitigation and Mortgage Servicing, Seterus Inc. Phone: 503-686-7220 Email: [email protected] Sample Script: Hello, My name is ______. I am calling to tell you that I supportLithia Springs resident Zannie Jacksons struggle for a loan modification that he can afford. Zannie and has lived in that home since 2005. Zannies health is failing and his medical expenses are piling up. While you have offered Zannie a trial modification, he needs his modification to be more affordable, and based on market value. Please offer Zannie a modification he can afford, so he can stop worrying about his home and focus on fighting for his life. I do not want to see a critically ill person pushed out of their home onto the street. Contact Zannie and Occupy Our Homes Atlanta at [email protected] to move this process along. Thank you. Have a nice day. Post on our Facebook group HERE to let us know if you called or emailed!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 20:51:33 +0000

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