PLEASE IT IS QUIET A LONG PRAYER, BUT I PLEAD IF YOU DO NOT HAVE MUCH TO DO FOLLOW IT REVERENTLY, AS THE PROPHET PRAYS...God bless You richly † Now, Father, I pray this prayer for myself. Here I am getting to be an old man now, and I dont know how many days we have left, Lord. We may not have yet today. But whatever is left, Lord, and whats left in my life, O God, is it possible You can take it and do something with it to Your glory? I pray first for myself, Lord, that Thou will give to me Your will. Let Thy will be done, Lord, whatever it might be. I want it to be said on that day when I come to meet You, It was well done. If it is large or if it is small, whatever is in Your great heart for my life, Lord, here I am. Send an Angel with a coal of fire and cleanse our lips and sanctify us, Lord, for a--the last great something thats fixing to strike the earth. Let us be a voice crying in the wilderness of sin, Prepare to meet God. This little church, these people that come day after day and drive hundreds of miles, O eternal and loving and never forgetting a deed, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Jacob, Who raised up Jesus from the dead, and now He sets at the right-hand of the Majesty on high, God tabernacled in flesh, bless these people whom I bless in Thy Name. May they always remember and know that there is a sign, a sign of the end. I pray that Youll give to them and make them winners of others: on their work, wherever they may be, in the street corners, filling stations, or wherever it might be, to testify in the grocery store, to the milkman. Whatever it might be, Lord, if something warns upon their heart, may they be a witness. May they live such godly and sanctified lives until theyll be written epistles read of all men. God, bless our women. O God, I pray that You will let them wash their faces, those who do not, take the--that Jezebel makeup off of them. Let them have the audacity of Christians and the Spirit of God upon them enough to know that they shouldnt wear those unclean clothes that they wear, let their hair grow out like ladies; for it is written in the Bible, Precious in the sight of the Lord is that little branch thatll escape all this stuff thats coming forth in the last days. Itll be glorious in the sight of God, as the prophet has foretold it. God, grant that. Theres nothing more I can do. Ive screamed my voice for year after year, Lord; and unless You move now, theres nothing I can do. I pray that--that You will. And I know You will, because You promised it in Your Word, and theres where I stand. I can only give a witness, Lord, and no man can come except You draw him; and all that the Father has given will come, I have that assurance that Your Word will be taken care of. Bless us, Lord. And if theres those here who are just depending on a sensation... Maybe they have shouted. They... Maybe they have the Holy Spirit. Or... We wouldnt count that, Lord, because weve seen people at ball games shout. We seen people at worldly amusement shout. We seen those so happy till they cry out on the floor dancing and all those things. That aint You, God. But to meet You, and to talk with You, and You talk back, thats what we want. Oh, I pray Thee, God, at this very minute that Youll send that Holy Spirit into the room, this little humble place. Theres no place worthy for Him to come. But I pray, God, that in Your own way, that Youll send Him right down into the room, convince souls. As I said awhile ago, Lord, maybe put a stumbling block in somebodys way about these altar calls, begging and persuading people to go up and when we return back next year we find them a twofold more child of hell than they was to start with. How can they come except You convince them and convict them, the great Holy Spirit. And I pray Thee, Lord God, if that sinner man or woman, boy or girl is in this building this morning, that the Holy Ghost will come with such convicting power till tears will run down their cheeks and drip into their soul, Lord, that from the depths of their heart they will believe and accept Christ. Grant it, Lord. Theyll need no altar. Their soul will be their altar. Grant it, Lord. Then they come full-heartedly to Thee, and say, I now want to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of my sins that I have repented of. Grant it, Lord. Fill them with the Holy Ghost. Give us evangelists in the world today, not those who persuade, and pull, and make denominational children. God, raise Yourself up some children. Have the people, Lord, to pray. Im thinking of Cornelius house. It never happened to a Gentile before, but they were fasting and praying. And when that man of God, that prophet, stood there, and while he spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on them that heard the Word. God, grant that kind of a meeting. While Peter spake these words... O God, they were ready. They were fasting; they were waiting; they were sincere. They wasnt just wait... They was waiting until. Those apostles waited until God come down among them, and they could see Him and talk to Him. They went out with hearts that burnt the world to a crisp. They were bold and stood in the midst of places where it might meant for them to get their own head chopped off. They said, Is it right for us to listen to you, or your organizations, or you denomination of men, or shall we listen to God? See ye to it. And right straight as soon as they was let go, went right out and preached the Name of Jesus Christ again. O God, give us--give us that, Lord. Raise up this one that Youre speaking of in the Scriptures to us. Anoint him, Lord. I call for him. Send him, Lord. O God, our hungry hearts are crying. Send him, Lord, thatll return the people back to the faith of the fathers again, thatll get them away from this denominational puppets into a real experience with God like they did on Pentecost, a real church again burning, with the same Message, the same faith, the same doctrine, the same Bible, the same God with the same signs. Raise us a prophet, Lord. Heal the sick in the midst of us today, Lord. There are those here that are needy. I pray for them, Father. I been so long tarrying this morning, and there are those setting here... One night while the apostle Paul was preaching all night, a young man fell from the building and killed himself. Hed went to sleep. He didnt mean to, but he--he went to sleep. And he fell, and his life was gone, and the apostle prayed, and life come back into him again. O Lord God, theres many here thats fallen in sickness, and while weve waited long past the time of dismissing the church. There are those who are sick. O God, let that power, that--that Holy Spirit that comes personally in a Pillar of Fire, Who declares Himself and makes Himself known to be Who He is (and we believe Him), let Him encircle every person in here today, heal the sick, fill with the Spirit, give deliverance in every manner, Lord, that we have need of it. Saturate our hearts with faith, God, with undying faith, with uncompromising faith, that we have THUS SAITH THE LORD. Grant it, Lord. Its Your people, Your Message, Your Word, Your servants, and the devil has no hold on us. He cannot even destroy us when this tabernacle is destroyed; for if this earthly tabernacle be destroyed, we have one already waiting. He cant do us no harm, for everything thats our enemy is Your enemy, for we are Yours. Were bought with a price of the precious Blood of Jesus. Therefore, you devils that have bound these people in sickness, I charge thee in the Name of Jesus Christ to come out of every one of them. As a servant of God, claiming this Word to be the Truth, you leave them. You have no rights. Everything that you ever claimed to have was canceled at Calvary, and you cant hold them longer. Now God, give every man and woman, boy or girl in here faith to believe that. The Word has been spoken. If you say to this mountain, Be moved, and dont doubt in your heart (The prayer of faith saves the sick.), you have what you ask for. We know that. We have that confidence in God. If we have any faith at all, if Gods living in us, we believe that. And I know that its so, Lord. So grant it today for sickness and salvation. Or I mustve said, or shouldve said salvation first and then sickness. Grant it, Lord, cause the soul is more valuable than the body. But those who sometimes... Their soul is saved, and this old body still belongs to Satan, and he knows that hell take it at the end time. Hell crush it and send it back till the bugs of the earth will crawl into it and eat it up; but hell never touch that soul; for its the precious treasure of God. And through that life, like out of the leaf, it returns back to God Who give it, will come forth in the next season with a new body that Satan can never touch. Neither can old age or anything else ever touch it. Itll be a glorified body. Were looking for that, Lord. Bless Thy people now. Theyre Yours, and I commit them in Your hand. I ask this in Jesus Name. 61-1112 A.TRUE.SIGN.THATS.OVERLOOKED_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-6 N-2 SUNDAY
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 06:13:34 +0000

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