PLEASE JOIN THIS SITE AND ATTEND OUR ONLINE MEETINGS EVERY SUNDAY TO HELP BRING AND END TO WEATHER MODIFICATION. paltalk/g2/group/1577920916/ Our hope is that with collective efforts worldwide we can bring awareness and then a complete end to climate engineering. I use the term climate engineering because I find that chemtrails and weather modification scare people off. The media has managed to hide the fact that they have been modifying our weather for many years, even though the government agencies have all the information on the programs out in the open. It would be nice to be able to be interactive with all of you and for all of you to be interactive with each other as well. We have held a couple meetings online and felt that awareness was key. So many dont even realize that they are being sprayed. I have been handing out flyers, putting them in reading areas and mailboxes to help enlighten the masses. I suggest that you find a flyer or letter that you like, print some and carry them with you. Then if given the opportunity to speak about it you are armed with information that you can just hand to the person and they can read and learn on their own time. Here are my favorite hand outs but please cruise these sites and hand out what you feel comfortable with.…/geoengineering-introd…/ - I like the 3rd one, but again pick what you feel caught your attention. This is an other document that I made - if you copy and paste to any word doc it should fill a two sided letter sized page. If it doesnt just amend font size of type of font. Doing it this way you can add information that may be more pertinent to your area and delete things if that do not apply. This is also a good link list for emails to government, media and agencies. Of course we would include a message of please research, please report on, or are you aware of geoengineering taking place? . Anything you want to know about climate engineering! Canadas regulations regarding weather modification…/C.R.C.,_c._16…/page-1.html… Environmental Protection Agency in the United States – EPA Documents… Cornell Law – Regulations for Weather Modification for the United States Companies that are spraying weathermodification/projects.php#projects Video on Geo-engineering- Weather Modification - Dr Coen Vermeeren - Aerospace Engineer https://youtube/watch?v=-o_8Dp0OoXI Links for information skyderalert Information Videos and Slide Show youtube/watch?v=5yZhh2leRJA - “Climate Engineering, Weather Warfare…” youtube/watch?v=a2x6TEeknfo “The Most Important Topic of Our Time” youtube/watch?v=S1TRQpJrYmU& “Look Up” Trailer: worldviewclimateengineering.weebly/ A slide show of what is happening to our world Articles regarding Geoengineering and Weather Modification History Channel special on weather modification Being used as a weapon…/correction-chemtrails-are-no…/ News broadcast clips https://youtube/watch?v=ij5eBmFm_BY& Documents, Pictures, Video tinyurl/oyd84v3 Wonderfest 2010, discussing Solar Radiation Management. Select 08 below video tinyurl/bxy5yqy Global Research article rt/news/monsanto-buy-climate-corporation-687/ Monsanto Buys Climate Corporation tinyurl/n6x8va6 Council on Foreign Relations article: The Truth About Geoengineering youtube/watch?v=nmGRy_cCiZw& But is it really sulphurs they’re talking about using? What about aluminum? lenntech/periodic/elements/al.htm Why would aluminum be a problem? and it can never be removed from our soil. Plants and Animals Affected by Climate Engineering https://youtube/watch?v=lvlu4ynivMA https://youtube/watch?v=S8FkikLx2ss https://youtube/watch?v=p8e4Pj2lUEk&feature=share https://facebook/video.php?v=640685149383015 Thank you for taking to the time to review and share this information. ______________________________________________________________________ Attend every celebration, event, rally and protest in your area and hand out flyers. These large social events are an excellent place to get the word out. Just go up to people and say would you like a flyer and most will take them. If they have a picture of chem clouds on them most will look through the flyer. We are all in different parts of the world so we will have to attend these functions according to where we live. So for this news letter I would like to suggest awareness campaigns where ever you are. We have these options - and would welcome any suggestions of other means of getting the word out. -flyer handout-attend celebrations, protests, rallies, carry flyers with you and engage everyone you meet. Leave them in places you have been like doctors office, restaurants, free paper stands give opportunity for you to stuff them in the papers. -emails to elected government, environmental agencies, agriculture departments, health departments, media - newspapers, television, social media, friends and family - signs - post signs everywhere - they can give information to links, tell people to look up, they can say whatever you feel fitting. Mine say look up you are being sprayed, geoengineering = ecocide, stop poisoning our skies, google weathermodification - Chalk and charcoal writing go along way too. Write messages to the public on busy sidewalks, empty wall, bus stops, anywhere can be a canvas for a message. - A sign on your lawn or car. I know some people dont want to be known, so this step is not for you, but for the rest this is a wonderful way to get people talking. When you do meet receptive people, try to get email or some way to contact them for future actions. At our chemtrail rally I managed to get 12 different contacts in our area. These people all want to take direct action and had no support, so we can offer that support now. We can share stories of reactions, successes and failures, so that we all may learn and move forward with the tools we need to achieve awareness everywhere. Be patient with those who dont believe, we were all there one day too. Talk to them with concern and kindness as it goes further than making someone feel uneducated or ignorant to the facts. Ask them questions about what they think is going on with they sky, people love to share their opinions and it creates conversation for you to plant the seeds of knowledge. Thank you all for joining this group and for helping start the end of geoengineering on this beautiful planet. Please let me know of any ideas you may have to move forward with the plan to end climate engineering. Blessings of LOVE, PEACE AND UNITY to you all!! paltalk/g2/group/1577920916/
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 17:03:05 +0000

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