PLEASE LEAVE OFFICE WORK AT OFFICE; HOME IS FOR FAMILY!! Matthew19:4-6 4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read , that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, 5 And said , For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? 6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. The MIS; management information systems continuous improvement is causing harm to human relations; especially at family levels. The mobile device from telephon, laptops, tablet PCs and ipads are some of the gargets that are intended accompany lifestyle for softer life. Work at home, on the way, in the air etc. Not a bad Idea! But where do we have the boundaries to family life? In marriages there are bound to be periods of highs and lows; misunderstandings are resolved faster when couples realize loneliness, they thus feel the discomfort of being at loggerheads one with another and seek to solve any problems quickly! When couples have an unfriendly exchange, they should seek to solve the matter quickly. But this is only possible if they recognize the need for each other. The fast paced word of business and organizational bureaucracies are routines with strenuous effects on family lives and processes. No one earns income for being a family person; we all earn income through work! Family/home is supposed to be a place of rejuvenation/renewal after and in preparation for such routines! Even if your office is at home; time allocations for earning income and family life should be drown clearly. Your work life should be evaluated and assessed on how it improves your family life; and organizations/employers should realize that inherently; people seek employment/income in order to improve their family living conditions and welfare. Strenuous workloads will kill the family and ultimately reduce productivity and increase labor costs in terms of medical bills, absenteeism etc. Let’s look at the effects on family. The gadgets fore mentioned have become companions to people. They can chat all the night, all the way and all the time. It is very easy for a couple whose relationship is sore to just ignore one another and link to their friends online. This is very dangerous, that life style is not sustainable!! A strong person is determined by how they solve serious problems not how much they tolerate problems!! A lot of people are living ‘divorced’ lives in marriage. This is totally unacceptable. If God has commanded that that ‘what therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder’ what is an i pad or laptop to separate them? If you are a young person dating a workaholic whose laptop or whatever gadget your date has never leaves them even when you’re on an outing, there is cause for you to worry! If just you s/he claims to love that much must be cheated on by a laptop, how much more shall they cheat on the family when you get children?! Work must be left for where it is intended! Office! In the rare circumstance that you should work more, the routine must not be for anybody to carry work home. Don’t even suggest that you first sleep, do your family routines, romantic moments then you resort to work late night! NO! You are going to grow old very fast and your spouse is not interested in a premature ‘jaja’ (grandparent) for a wife or husband! Your children too need an energetic parent. That thing you call being in vogue is killing your life but you don’t know! Don’t marry communication gargets; use them per need! Don’t be deceived young people, you will miss a good spouse due that companion of yours you think lifts ad raises your swagger! Have a blessed week Stella and Noah obokello
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 08:14:41 +0000

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