PLEASE PARDON ME AS THIS SHALL BECOME LIKE A BLOG POST...BUT I HAD TO DO THIS, SINCE I SERIOUSLY BELIEVE YESTERDAY WE ALL WATCHED PARADIGM SHIFT IN BHARAT POLITICS FROM RAMPARTS OF RED FORT...SO THE FOLLOWING IS A COMPILATION OF ALL THAT I FELT AFTER MODI BAHI SPEECH... just another highlight of Modi bhai is the time for gandhi sulabh toilets to be started from 2nd october...and the only job now left for all congressis is to run around in the fields and by side of railway tracks in the morning to take people to their beloved gandhi sulabh toilets...Modi bhai great... लाल किले से टाय्लेट की बात करना ये कैसा प्र्धान मंत्रि है...और 2 अक्टुबर गांधी जयंती से टाय्लट बनाने का काम शुरु होगा...गांधी को एक दम सही श्रधांजली...मोदी भाई महान...he has revived all including Jayprakash ji (village development) in different manners, he has revived gandhi with toilet making and cleanliness drive, excellent...correct connotation with gandhi..Narendra Modi bhai has great sense of humour... he did not forget to mention Rishi Aurobindo and Swami was Rishi Aurobindos birthday...Modi bhai is great...he mentions that Swami ji wanted to see Bharat as leader of comity of nations, and his words can not be untrue...his message was one of inclusiveness...a strong united inclusive Bharat shall lead to Akhand Bharat... the more i am hearing Modi bhai , the more i am getting enamoured...if 125 crore people take one step forward the nation takes 125 crore steps...parents ask their daughters where have you been what sre you wearing, etc, etc., but do they ever ask their sons where did they go and what are they doing?...poor have mobile phone but not bank account, the need of the hour is micro-finance and extension of safe financial services to event he poor, to stop ponzi schemes like ask the global finance to make in india, and tell the indian capital to sell in the world as made in india...what beautiful and simple explanantion of the new economic model...and doing away with the planning commission was the master stroke...this was the last of nehruvian stupidities responsible for disintegration of nation...ask the maoists to put down the gun and take up plough, surely a green earth looks more beautiful than a red earth...what beautiful words...i m simply bowled over...the people in private sector do a job but in government sector we do service...let us revive the spirit of correct...he also revived Jai Jawan Jai Kisan...he has resurrected Patel, he has revived Shastri, he has revived Netaji?...i have faith...well nevertheless development with spirit of nationalism shall invariably have Netaji in it...but today TMC nincompoops are putting up Netaji pictures everywhere...Netaji has been vilified and demeaned by the communists and today the TMC idiots...we shall revive Netaji in the true nationalist spirit as exemplified by Narendra Modibahi...https://youtube/watch?v=yOwD2S3oHjU…may be this was the first time that Bharat Mata Ki Jai and Vande-Mataram were uttered from ramparts of lal qila...i do not remember Vajpayee ji saying these words in his speeches, correct me if i am wrong...but to hear Bharat Mata Ki Jai from red fort was very inspiring indeed...i am more and more getting convinced that this is truly a paradigm shift in indian politics and easily Modi bhai explained and as easily did away with planning commission...i remember in 1995 when we were being taught sarkaria commission report on centre-state relations we could already sense that days of that nehruvian nonsense planning commission were could there obviously exist an anachronism like nehrus malafide called mixed economy in the era of globalisation...and the main hangover of that anachronism was the planning commission and its incumbent the finance right he is when he says that these two institutions the planning and finance commissions hampered the federal structure of this nation...imagine the sheer stupidity of states like bengal saying that they are in debt, they are in debt...please ponder under whom is bengal in debt?...the nation can i be in debt to my own family?...these stupidities were due to planning and finance commission...Modi bhai has done a paradigm shift by kicking palnning commission away...this is one thing i liked best in the speech...
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 02:42:36 +0000

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