PLEASE, PLEASE DONATE IF YOU CAN TO THIS WONDERFUL WOMAN WHO HAS TAKEN IN THESE TINY BABIES. SHARE I am asking EVERYONE at least here in Houston one more time to share my plea for donations for my new rescues. A handful of people has only shared - thanks you so much to those. I might not always share every single post but I do read through them and I try to share a little bit from everyone. I BARELY ask for to share anything. If I ask to share it is for someone else. Better yet it is for the poor soul in need. I am a single mom from Germany with no support system, no family, trying to make it on my own. All I have is the people on here, most I have never met or even talked to. But I thought we were in this together, to help the animals, to support each other? Or is this like the rest of the world after all, everyone for them self and only looking to have their cause promoted? I took in 5 4 week old kittens, yet again! I thought they were mostly healthy. If I had known that 1 has the issues it has, I probably wouldve said no. Not because I dont care but because I know I dont have the means and I know that only a handful of people are here trying to help or sharing. I need your help! I need you to share! I have seen how crazy people share for others and how much money is being raised. I know its possible. And I know if only enough people are being reached it is enough if everyone only puts in $ 5. Even I have donated $ 5. I know its not a lot but better than nothing. I will be bold and tag everyone here that I know in Houston. I need another $ 100 for this baby boy. His paw is bend. He does not walk. While the others are running around and playing, he sits. He sits quietly or he sits and cries until my son or I pick him up. If we put him down not carefully enough, he falls over. He cannot keep his balance. I will put together another separate post with details on how to donate, more pictures and tag you all again. I am asking you, please help this little baby. He deserves it! Thank you
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 17:14:45 +0000

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