PLEASE PRAY WITH US... Blessings in Christ, Surely it was a - TopicsExpress


PLEASE PRAY WITH US... Blessings in Christ, Surely it was a blessing speaking about “irresistible grace” this past Sunday. Starting the New Year is always a prayer-filled, exciting, yet frenzied time of the year for me. Understanding the sovereignty of God and His amazing grace bring sanity to the chaos of life (see, Matthew 6:26-34). Last week, I read through a small booklet by Charles Spurgeon, the famous “Prince of Preachers” from England (1834-1892). The book titled All of Grace is dedicated to explaining how Christ died for the ungodly. I can understand and explain this both exegetically through the narrative of Scripture, as well as utilized isolated verses to prove the case. Its a glorious truth and reality to understand that God does not allow us to depend on our own works, instead as revealed through Romans 4:5, “But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited to Him as righteousness. We know this is is speaking about the necessary faith and righteousness that is God provided, as God loved us while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8), and it is through hearing the word of Christ that our “Spiritual faculties” are turned toward God (Romans 10:17), (this is the innate “spark” we have talked about in some of our studies). Spurgeon goes on to rightly note that any righteousness that you think you have in and of yourself, is a delusion. Your attempts at justifying yourself in the eyes of God is a subtle art of self-deception. In a hymn, famed Joseph Hart noted, “A sinner is a sacred thing: The Holy Ghost has made him so.” In that statement we come to understand that it is Gods Spirit that enables us to acknowledge the truth of our sin and thus ourselves, and brings us to life in Christ. We are not responsible at all for our salvation! Heed some of the words of Charles Spurgeon on that matter: “We ourselves repent with the full consent of every faculty of our mind. The will, the affections, the emotions, all work together most heartily in the blessed act of repentance for sin and yet at the back of all of that is our personal act, there is a secret holy influence which melts the heart, gives contritition, and produces a complete change.” “I know by full assurance that I am justified by faith which is in Christ Jesus (Galatians 2:16), and treated as if I had been perfectly just, and made an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ (Galatians 4:7); and yet by nature I must take my place among the most sinful.” - Charles Spurgeon “ is only the Lord that can make a man see it. It does at first seem most amazing to an awakened man that salvation should really be for him as a lost and a guilty one. He thinks is must be for him as a penitent man, forgetting that his penitence is part of his salvation. “Oh,” says he, “but I must be this and that,” - all of which is true, for he shall be this and that as the result of salvation, but salvation comes to him before he has any of the results of salvation. It comes to him, in fact, while he deserves only this bare, beggarly, base, abominable description: “ungodly””. “Do not attempt to touch yourself up and make yourself something other than what you really are; but come as you are to him who justifies the ungodly....the gospel will receive you into its halls if you come as a sinner, but not else.” Of course, you will “come as you are”, but by the power of Gods irresistible grace and the Spirit of God, you will be renewed. Notice this verse about the elect; “Who shall lay anything to the charge of Gods Elect? It is God that justfieth.” - Romans 8:33 I want to lay a bit of the historical narrative of Israel before you to demonstrate the context of what is being said about “Gods Elect”. We know from reading through our Old Testament that God chose “Israel” as a people unto Himself, they would be His image in the world- to lead other nations to the “knowledge of God”. Israel was under the “law of sin and death” which was to produce sin and death in them, therefore demonstrating their need for a Savior. Israel would not be justified by a self-righteousness based on works of the Law, no God would provide grace and justification for them while they were stuck in sin and death. This is why Jesus Christ was provided as the perfect sacrifice. Israel was living in the image of the “old Adam”, whereas Christ “the Second Adam” would do all that Israel was unable to do, and ironically, Jesus would receive the punishment that was due to Israel – the wrath of God. It is through understanding the significance of the reality of how we today in the 21st century are affected but such a glorious work of the God of Israel. God manifested Himself through Jesus Christ to Israel, to receive their punishment for sins under the Law, and to be a light to those in the darkness (the Gentiles) who were without hope and without God in the world. Through His fulfilling work of the promises given to Israel, Gods amazing works and wonders were being seen by the Gentiles. Glory to God alone! “Him has God exalted with His right hand to be a Prince and a Savior, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.” - Acts 5:31 “They have broken the Law, and trampled the Gospel. They have refused proclamations of mercy, and have persisted in ungodliness. How can they be forgiven and justified? Their fellow-men, despairing of them, say, “They are hopeless cases”. Even Christians look upon them with sorrow rather than hope. But not so their God. He, in the splendor His electing grace, having chose some of them before the foundation of the world, will not rest until He has justified them, and made them acceptable in His Beloved.” WE are a remnant of this heritage! Thus it is said we are of “His Elect”. understand many of us question how Gods electing grace works in changing our hearts from rebellion to surrender. However, I believe this to be a Divine mystery. Charles Spurgeon goes on to note: “I cannot make this change,” says one. Who said you could? The Scripture which we have quoted speaks not of what man will do, but of what God will do. It is Gods promise, and it is for Him to fulfill His own engagements....But how is it done? What business is that of yours. Must the Lord explain His methods before you believe in Him? The Lords working in this matter is a great mystery: the Holy Ghost performs it.” “A hungry man eats though he does not understand the composition of his food, the anatomy of his mouth, or the process of digestion: he lives because he eats. Another far more clever person understands thoroughly the science of nutrition; but if he does not eat he will die, with all his knowledge.” “Only folly can lead men to puzzle themselves about plain matters while their souls are in danger. No man would refuse to enter a lifeboat because he did not know the specific gravity of bodies, neither word a starving man decline to eat till he understood the whole process of nutrition.” What is needed is FAITH in Gods Word and work. “Faith is believing that Christ is what He is said to be, and that He will do what He has promised to do, and then expect this of Him.” “Certainly faith does for us what nothing else can do; it gives us joy and peace, and causes us to enter into rest. Why do men attempt to gain salvation by other means? An old divine saying says, “A silly servant who is bidden to open a door, sets his shoulder to it and pushes with all his might: but the door stirs not, and he cannot enter, use what strength he may. Another comes with a key, and easily unlocks the door, and enters readily. Those who would be saved by works are pushing at heavens gate without result; but faith is the key which opens the gate at once.” “...the work of the Holy Spirit is secret and mysterious, and it can only be perceived by its results. There are mysteries about our natural birth into which it would be an unhallowed curiosity to pry; still more is this the case with the sacred operation of the Spirit of God (see, John 3:8).” “God works in Providence, but men do not therefore sit still. They could not move without the Divine Power giving them life and strength, and yet they proceed upon their way without question; the power being bestowed from day to day by Him in whose hand their breath is, and whose are all their ways. So it is with grace. We repent and believe, though we could do neither if the Lord did not enable us”. “Salvation, from first to last, is of grace alone.” How truly amazing it is that God provides this grace and salvation to the most unlikely people in the world! I could go on and on about Gods grace, however I want to end these thoughts with a bunch of “proof texts” that I failed to include in the bulletin, yet wanted you all to read through: (Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 43:5-7; Jonah 2:9;John 1:12; John 6:44; Romans 9:11-16; Romans 11:33-36; 1 Corinthians 12:3; Ephesians 1:3-7; Ephesians 2:8; 2 Timothy 1:9) Our Praise and Prayers of B.P.B.C. For the week of January 7th, 2014: Edward offered praise and thankfulness for a wonderful beginning to the New Year. Also, he offered a praise for Pastor Mike and Raven coming over for pizza, soda, and fellowship on New Years Eve. The Lords Providence and Grace surely show in this world. Please continue to keep all things in Edwards life in prayer as he contemplates all that the Lord will do in His life in 2015. Vicki offered a praise that she received “wisdom from the Lord” on how to deal with the pain in her right foot. The pain has been alleviated which she surely lifted up as a praise for the miraculous healing power of our God. Also Vicki asked us to keep Anna in prayer in regards to her left knee. Kathy D. offered a praise to God for a blessed beginning of the New Year. She asked us to continue to keep Reiner, her friends husband, in our continued prayers, as we have been praying for him for some time now. Let us await praiseworthy news. Also, please continue to keep her daughter, Karen in prayer as she goes to the doctor next Monday. Kathy offered a bunch of praises this Sunday which should excite us to see the Lord glorified. We had prayed healing for Terri and Waynes dog a while back, Wayne asked us to keep Lola in prayer, as her tumor grew back. Steve S. asked us to pray healing and comfort for Olivia as she goes for some medical tests this week. Also, please keep their daughter Jessica in prayer as she goes back to work in the schools during her pregnancy. Please pray the Lords divine protection over her through sicknesses and so forth. Sandy offered praise that the Lord has continued to give them strength and perseverance in regards to Brians mother. Brians mother was sick and is feeling better now, then Brian and Sandy woke up in a cold house- no heat! Praise God that Brian shared that it would be fixed when they returned home from our service. Rebecca offered praise and prayer in regards to her medical stuff. Thank God that she found a doctor that could give her the medication she needed for a reasonable price. Also, Rebecca offered a praise for all the job interviews she received. Pastor Mike offered praise for an exciting start to the New Year, and offered praise for being surrounded by such an amazing congregation. Also, prayers asked for all that we look to offer in the year 2015. Also, it was asked that we pray for Raven, as she was back in the hospital. I can surely thank the Lord that she has since been released from the hospital and is feeling much better. Thank you for your prayers, all glory to God! I am truly excited about all I believe the Lord will do in 2015 in and through our Church, and throughout the world. I have already begun to see encouragement and amazing fruit of Gods work in my life and ministry. Thank you for taking time to read through all of this information. I have provided much details about grace as well as praises and prayers. If you can continue reading, or want to take a break and come back to reading later, either way please read my recent blog about grace. You can read it by visiting the following website link, mianogonewild.wordpress/2015/01/05/dwelling-on-living-in-an-irresistible-grace/ Blessings in and through Jesus Christ, Pastor Michael Miano
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 18:23:19 +0000

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