PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER HELPING STOP A CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION To our Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we look around us, every day, we see more and more of the biblical principles upon which our country was founded, being ignored, torn-down, and mocked. Even the Bible, itself, is mocked, disparaged, and, otherwise, attacked. All this happens while other religions are uplifted and other (false) gods are given the place of honor that only our One True God deserves. It is sad to see that, even, our Constitution, which is based upon biblical principles and delineates our God-given unalienable rights, is under attack. Repeatedly, our countrys elected (and appointed) officials have violated the Constitution. But rather than Christian citizens fulfilling their duty to demand that the biblical principles in the Constitution be upheld, their apathy, and misdirected responses have allowed evil men to degrade and harm our country, even more. Now, giving reason for even greater, concern, there are well-intended Christians falling for a trick that has been put forth by global corporate leaders for the last 60+ years (beginning with the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations). That is, the notion that the Constitution needs to be substantially changed. Their ruse is the false claim that new words on paper will somehow stop evil – somehow make law-breakers in government become law-honoring public servants. We know it wont! The only means for stopping evil is for Christians to start doing what the Christians did when our nation was founded. Christians in the founding generation were willing to stand up for biblical principles in the public square and in civil government. Even many of those proposing that the Constitution needs to be rewritten, admit that once the new constitution is in place, citizens will have to work to ensure that elected officials obey it. If it would be necessary to compel politicians to honor a rewritten Constitution, then, logic suggests that the only actual missing factor in correcting this problem right now -- with our current Constitution -- is such compulsion. For Christian Americans and other American patriots, revising the Constitution is both a superfluous and hazardous course of action. Please, join us in prayerfully trying to alert our fellow Christians about the dangerous ideas being put forth about rewriting our Constitution and to the importance of standing for biblical principles in civil government rather than giving up the Constitution we now have. Attached is a document originated by our Christian friend and constitutional attorney, Richard D. Fry, Esq., that outlines more fully the dangers of a Constitutional Convention. Thank you for your consideration of this letter. In Christ, The Christian Party of America Toll-Free Number: 1-866-278-3927 Email-Chairman@ChristianPartyOnline Website: ChristianPartyOfAmerica Facebook: https://facebook/pages/Christian-Party-of-America/198905400159491 Why Rewriting the Constitution (by any means) will not Restore the Republic The rewriting of our Constitution to solve the ills of the Republic, no matter if through Congressional or convention proposed amendments, will not work because it is the wrong solution for the wrong problem. Those promoting the rewriting of our Constitution say we need to do such to rein in an out-of- control federal government i.e., one that violates the Constitution. But, this miss identifies the problem in two ways: Firstly, it is not simply the federal government that is violating the Constitution and our Liberty, it is the state governments as well. In fact, the state governments have been corroborating and complicit with the federal government in violating the Constitution for at least one hundred years and the states have been a willing participant. The federal (central) and state governments are supposed to be counter balances to each other, not partners in crime. The state governments violate the Constitution every time they take mystical federal dollars from the federal government, which the federal government does not have the constitutional authority to offer, such as for education, welfare, environment, healthcare etc. The extent of this corroboration is revealed by the fact that most state budgets are comprised of 30-45% federal dollars. The federal government has been bribing the states to undermine our Liberty and expand its power for a century. The Pro Constitution Re-writers are now telling us the states will liberate us through an Article V convention. That is like asking Frank James to watch over Jesse James. Secondly, the reason the governments are out of control has nothing to do with the wording of the Constitution but the fact We the People have not been honoring our patriotic and moral duty to hold our public servants accountable to their oath to support (and know) the Constitution. How can we enforce the Constitution etc., when we ourselves do not know the Constitution and the other principles of the Republic / Liberty, such as the American concept of Sovereignty and American federalism. These are the principles that have made America the most free and prosperous nation in the history of mankind. They are gifts from our God. Many complain that we have taken God out of our schools. Yet, very few complain that we have taken the principles of our Liberty out of our schools. Our God will survive not being in the public schools. Recall, we have not always had public schools. But, if we do not teach the principles of our Liberty, which are based on Judeo-Christian principles, our Liberty cannot last. Without our Liberty we will end up being like the Christians of ancient Rome, poor, and hiding in the shadows to worship our God. And, that is where we will deserve to be. Proposals to rewrite our Constitution because corrupt and ignorant politicians will not follow it, is like rewriting the Ten Commandments because people will not follow them. Rewriting the Ten Commandments will not turn sinners into saints and rewriting the Constitution will not turn corrupt politicians into statesmen. Defend, not amend, the Constitution. Richard D. Fry Thou shall not steal, unless its through the government. New Age Commandments. Facebook: https://facebook/fry8413 To our Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we look around us, every day, we see more and more of the biblical principles upon which our country was founded, being ignored, torn-down, and mocked. Even the Bible, itself, is mocked, disparaged, and, otherwise, attacked. All this happens while other religions are uplifted and other (false) gods are given the place of honor that only our One True God deserves. It is sad to see that, even, our Constitution, which is based upon biblical principles and delineates our God-given unalienable rights, is under attack. Repeatedly, our countrys elected (and appointed) officials have violated the Constitution. But rather than Christian citizens fulfilling their duty to demand that the biblical principles in the Constitution be upheld, their apathy, and misdirected responses have allowed evil men to degrade and harm our country, even more. Now, giving reason for even greater, concern, there are well-intended Christians falling for a trick that has been put forth by global corporate leaders for the last 60+ years (beginning with the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations). That is, the notion that the Constitution needs to be substantially changed. Their ruse is the false claim that new words on paper will somehow stop evil – somehow make law-breakers in government become law-honoring public servants. We know it wont! The only means for stopping evil is for Christians to start doing what the Christians did when our nation was founded. Christians in the founding generation were willing to stand up for biblical principles in the public square and in civil government. Even many of those proposing that the Constitution needs to be rewritten, admit that once the new constitution is in place, citizens will have to work to ensure that elected officials obey it. If it would be necessary to compel politicians to honor a rewritten Constitution, then, logic suggests that the only actual missing factor in correcting this problem right now -- with our current Constitution -- is such compulsion. For Christian Americans and other American patriots, revising the Constitution is both a superfluous and hazardous course of action. Please, join us in prayerfully trying to alert our fellow Christians about the dangerous ideas being put forth about rewriting our Constitution and to the importance of standing for biblical principles in civil government rather than giving up the Constitution we now have. Attached is a document originated by our Christian friend and constitutional attorney, Richard D. Fry, Esq., that outlines more fully the dangers of a Constitutional Convention. Thank you for your consideration of this letter. In Christ, The Christian Party of America Toll-Free Number: 1-866-278-3927 Email-Chairman@ChristianPartyOnline Website: ChristianPartyOfAmerica Facebook: https://facebook/pages/Christian-Party-of-America/198905400159491 Why Rewriting the Constitution (by any means) will not Restore the Republic The rewriting of our Constitution to solve the ills of the Republic, no matter if through Congressional or convention proposed amendments, will not work because it is the wrong solution for the wrong problem. Those promoting the rewriting of our Constitution say we need to do such to rein in an out-of- control federal government i.e., one that violates the Constitution. But, this miss identifies the problem in two ways: Firstly, it is not simply the federal government that is violating the Constitution and our Liberty, it is the state governments as well. In fact, the state governments have been corroborating and complicit with the federal government in violating the Constitution for at least one hundred years and the states have been a willing participant. The federal (central) and state governments are supposed to be counter balances to each other, not partners in crime. The state governments violate the Constitution every time they take mystical federal dollars from the federal government, which the federal government does not have the constitutional authority to offer, such as for education, welfare, environment, healthcare etc. The extent of this corroboration is revealed by the fact that most state budgets are comprised of 30-45% federal dollars. The federal government has been bribing the states to undermine our Liberty and expand its power for a century. The Pro Constitution Re-writers are now telling us the states will liberate us through an Article V convention. That is like asking Frank James to watch over Jesse James. Secondly, the reason the governments are out of control has nothing to do with the wording of the Constitution but the fact We the People have not been honoring our patriotic and moral duty to hold our public servants accountable to their oath to support (and know) the Constitution. How can we enforce the Constitution etc., when we ourselves do not know the Constitution and the other principles of the Republic / Liberty, such as the American concept of Sovereignty and American federalism. These are the principles that have made America the most free and prosperous nation in the history of mankind. They are gifts from our God. Many complain that we have taken God out of our schools. Yet, very few complain that we have taken the principles of our Liberty out of our schools. Our God will survive not being in the public schools. Recall, we have not always had public schools. But, if we do not teach the principles of our Liberty, which are based on Judeo-Christian principles, our Liberty cannot last. Without our Liberty we will end up being like the Christians of ancient Rome, poor, and hiding in the shadows to worship our God. And, that is where we will deserve to be. Proposals to rewrite our Constitution because corrupt and ignorant politicians will not follow it, is like rewriting the Ten Commandments because people will not follow them. Rewriting the Ten Commandments will not turn sinners into saints and rewriting the Constitution will not turn corrupt politicians into statesmen. Defend, not amend, the Constitution. Richard D. Fry Thou shall not steal, unless its through the government. New Age Commandments. Facebook: https://facebook/fry8413
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 04:28:48 +0000

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