PLEASE READ AND ANSWER: I WOULD APPRECIATE IT: I have been thinking alot lately and I have gone around in my head on how to ask this question without sounding un-thankful for what God has done in my life and where he has brought me through. I am a different man than I was before and I am by no means perfect because HE is not done with me yet, SO I AM BLESSES AND THANKFUL. But I feel led to just do some analysis. Since 2012 I have been through alot (and this is not for pity just saying), and I know that God allows things to happen and thats not what this question is about, I am interested in your responses as I know the reasons I have gone through some rough times this past couple of years so again THIS IS NOT PITY PARTY as I am very thankful to GOD for everything he has done and where he has brought me. But in 2012 there was a change: I went through a time of depression and anxiety that I havent felt in a long long time. I love people but it was almost like I was kinda going through social anxiety. Through Gods love and grace I am better for it. I also at the beginning of this year diagnosed with cancer, which he healed me from. I also lost my mom in July of this year. I guess my question have any of you saints of God felt such a deep onslaught spiritually, mentally, and physically since 2012? Seems like the world got darker then and I really started noticing the war spiritually as it affected people mentally and physically. If you have been going to war spiritually or have been just going through ALOT of stuff, does it coincide with 2012? I have been wondering....just seems there was a shift from 2012 till now. Now I know this question may sound weird but like I said I am doing some analysis here. And again I know God has blessed me and we all fight I am just trying to see if anyone else has noticed that things have gotten different in 2012....thats all?
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 04:24:29 +0000

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