PLEASE READ AND PASS IT ON TO YOUR NEIGHBORS IN THE COMMUNITY WHO DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO FACEBOOK OR A COMPUTER..!! A winter storm is predicted for our area. This storm could include snow, freezing rain, and/or ice. Ice build-up on power lines and trees can cause power outages and unsafe driving conditions. Please stay tuned to weather alerts in our area before leaving your home and before traveling. · Please use caution during and after the storm getting to and from your vehicles. Walk slowly, and wear non-slip shoes or winter boots. Although snow will be removed as the storm is on going, final clean up will not be completed in all areas until the storm has passed. · Sidewalks, steps and roadways are treated for ice removal. If you see areas that need additional ice treatments when temperatures are fluctuating, please report this to the management office or emergency service number. · Do not park in fire lanes or along curbs that are not designated parking areas. This will make clearing and treating the roadways difficult, and you may be at risk of being towed. · In the event of a power outage, we recommend that you have a flashlight and extra batteries on hand. Please refrain from using candles for light. Candles can easily catch fire on curtains, lamp shades, and other items when left unattended. Never leave your home with a candle burning. Glow sticks can also provide a light source in the event of a power outage. · Other items you should have on hand include bottled water, non-perishable packaged food, cash as ATM’s do not work in a power outage, extra blankets, first aid kits, prescriptions or other medications, and a full tank of gas in your car. Power outages from ice storms have the potential to last for several days depending on the significance of the storm. · Refrigerated and frozen foods can remain safe for 24 hours in a power outage, however please refrain from opening doors often. Keeping refrigerator and freezer doors closed will retain temperatures longer. · Please remember that Kerosene heaters are NOT permitted in our apartments. · In case of a maintenance emergency please call our office at (732) 460-1261. For a fire or life threatening emergency please call 911.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 17:59:46 +0000

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