PLEASE READ AND SEND THE EMAIL listed here to below to Excellency - TopicsExpress


PLEASE READ AND SEND THE EMAIL listed here to below to Excellency Dr Honorable Alausa & Excellency Honorable Babatunde Fashola (pictured above), Governor of Lagos, Nigeria -Copy and paste to you’re email address and hit send. State Government Secretariat, Ikeja, Lagos State Nigeria, [email protected] (copy and past to email address bar) Date………… Excellency Dr Honorable Alausa & Excellency Honorable Babatunde Fashola, Governor of Lagos, Nigeria Re: Dog meat traders; Dear Dr Honorable Alausa & Excellency Honorable Babatunde Fashola, Whilst it may be seen as acceptable within Lagos, Nigeria to consume dog and cat meat, the rest of the world looks at this trade as cruel and barbaric, least forgetting the potential for diseases such as rabies, food poisoning and a possible outbreak of any mutated H1N1 virus that could/will kill many. Lagos holds some 17.5 million individuals, from which the state is the second largest within Africa. Should any disease occur that has been seen already within Ghana, and Uganda via the consumption of dog meat/infected dog meat from rouge non-monitored traders this could have serious implications to Lagos citizens thus causing a potential epidemic. Animal and Environmental officers have already raised their concerns with regards to this issue and have actively fought for the dog meat traders to be shut down. Those that campaigned were regrettably ignored by you’re government and African citizens too. Dog meat is seen as a delicacy within Nigeria as it is within Uganda, Kenya, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, and Ghana. Traders are selling a lie to the public stating that dog meat has medical cures and can even treat and cure malaria. There is not a scrap of medical evidence or any proven concluded data that shows “any meat” has any medical cure to aide illness in human beings. Most worryingly the trade is not monitored or even regulated from which many diseased dogs and road kill (dogs killed via car accidents) are consumed by Nigerians and foreign citizens. Say No To Dog Meat.Net is actively campaigning to end this trade due to the fear that soon a mass (pandemic) will occur from the consumption of diseased dog meat that has found it’s way into the human food chain. Just in Asia, China alone 46 people were killed and another 1,969 made ill by food-poisoning incidents just in the third quarter of 2013, according to a statement released by China’s health watchdog (this number is only from reported cases). The number indicated an 8-percent and 17.3-percent reduction respectively in comparison with the same period of last year, said the statement from the National Health and Family Planning Commission. Microbiological food poisoning was behind most of the cases, accounting for 55.8 percent of the total 61 such incidents reported in the quarter, according to the statement. Authorities in eastern China this August 2013 broke up an operation that involved poisoning dogs for their meat, arresting seven people while recovering 11 tons of canine meat. Most of the dog meat was sent to restaurants. Zhejiang Province officials believe the ring–headed by a man with the surname Shi–was in operation for several years. This is also happening within Nigeria from which pet dogs and strays are taken from the streets and peoples homes transported from south to north Nigeria. The dogs are then killed normally by beating them over the head with a metal or wooden bar. Whilst its seen to some as a delicacy and potential medicine the dog meat trade is cruel, unregulated, and has vast potential for viral infectious disease to spread in an already impoverished country. I call upon you Honorable Alausa & Excellency Honorable Babatunde Fashola to now acknowledge these critically important issues from which its hoped the first hurdle in tackling this trade will be seen. In the meantime I will be petitioning you’re government to enact a change bringing an end to this unregulated and cruel non-medicinal culture and increasing better standards of welfare to animals within Lagos state. I look forward you’re kind response. Sincerely Name……………. Address……………. Email…………….. Date………………..
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 11:07:38 +0000

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