PLEASE READ AND SHARE Hello everyone! I just wanted to share a - TopicsExpress


PLEASE READ AND SHARE Hello everyone! I just wanted to share a short version of a workplace situation that seriously impacted the lives of my family. My name is Kyle Scott, and Im a former employee of the Washington State Auditors Office, former business owner, former homeowner, current business owner, current credit nightmare, and overly confident badass! Its a good read; Awesome auditor gets a serious illness, mother dies, grandmother dies, dog dies, gets leave-use criticism, gets constant ridicule, starts feeling paranoid, finds good reasons to be paranoid, seeks therapy, tries to leave, gets sucked back in, requests public documents, finds proof of all accusations, crashes and burns, quits job, loses business, struggles to find employment due to poor doctored records, begins to rebuild, stumbles repeatedly, learns new trade to double-up skills, loses house, always pushes forward, looks good in sweats blasting the Rocky theme, becomes better than before, and finally realizes that he is not a pussy that lets a small group of assholes crush his life! Most of the bad events happened within a 2 year period. The post contains pictures of public records that contradict material statements made by Auditors Office Officials during a Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission investigation(IMG-1, IMG-6). Also, there are images illustrating that an Assistant Audit Manager cost me a possible paid position and discredited me when I tried to walk away(IMG-1-3). Youll also find an email that shows an Assistant Audit Manager agree to work with her Audit Manager, to create notes for a meeting that happened nine months prior; because she didnt remember whether she even went(IMG-4)! Ive rewritten this post probably 10 times in the last couple years, but I have always forgone actual posting for fear of how this may affect employment prospects. But lets be realistic; the entire situation already has! Besides... What kind of Auditor would I be if I didnt report this type of Government behavior?!! So despite the unknown consequences of this post, I will move forward. I have bulleted out events to focus on some of the main points each year: 1st year • Won multiple awards for taking on new challenges and changing the way we audit with technology. 2nd year • Changed Teams • Diagnosed with an auto-immune disease(Sarcoidosis) after a biopsy of apparent tumors discovered in lungs and lymph nodes. One of the abnormalities was 2 inches long. • Within three months of diagnosis, my managers already began emailing comments to each other, noting problems about leave use. This was October 2009. A reason for leave use during that month was for an echo-cardiogram to determine whether my disease had affected my heart. • Mother became ill • Used leave balances • Employer began repeated meetings about performance and leave use • Marie Davis, Washington State Auditors Office HR Manager, sent an email to Angela Cady, Audit Manager, regarding revisions made to my performance development plan (employee review) which stated , I was trying to tell the story so that someone else could understand it (in case we need that – it is always a good idea) and also add positives where I could find them in order to make sure we appeared fair and balanced. I changed a few items slightly(again trying to appear fair and balanced and make the problems areas stand out)( IMG-5) The email was not discovered until after I had left the office, but I had suspected the behavior based on treatment after my auto-immune disease diagnosis. The email was sent shortly after I told the office to either request documentation for my leave use, stop harassing me about using sick leave, or speak to an attorney. 3rd year • Mother died (father just died three years prior) • I received a demotion • The Office implemented a cash basis school pre-audit system, suggested by me, that is still used today • Grandmother died - One of my supervisors, Scott Bills, made an email joke about my leave usage while I attended the funeral • Other personal family tragedy • Dog died • My employers continued to criticize my leave usage. I continued to push through my problems despite a constant feeling of being set up for removal. There were moments when I was criticized for work and told that I should follow specific other auditors examples. So I copied their work, except actual figures, and still was devalued for my work. I realized that this was not going to end well • I began to see a counselor for my anxiety and stress regarding work • I initiated an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Investigation • I realized that it wasnt healthy to fight an uphill battle against the Auditors Office and attempted to walk away. I quit my position and immediately offered volunteer work at the City of Chehalis. The City spoke with Troy Niemeyer, Assistant Audit Manager, to ensure there wasnt any conflict of interest. He told them that he was not aware of me leaving the office and this was a conflict of interest(IMG-1-3). This information was also used against me during the EEOC Investigation(IMG-1). They made accusations that I attempted to procure work from clients while working for the Office. Through a later public records request, I found an email containing a note from Troy acknowledging that he was well aware that I quit my job(IMG-3). I later discovered that the City was considering an actual paid position(IMG-2). • The State Auditors Office convinced the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission investigator that they were unaware of my illness and could not offer any accommodation due to their lack of knowledge(IMG-6). All I really originally wanted was to use my earned leave without harassment, and nothing more. Until my breakdown, I only used more leave than accrued once, and it was an error made while I had giant tumor-like objects in my lungs. I also really would have liked Troy to stop using air quotes sometimes when he said sick to me. I later found evidence through public records that Marie Davis, HR Manager, was informed of my illness(IMG-7). I informed her myself, but did not do so through email, which made it originally difficult to prove. • Marie Davis, HR Manager, asked Amy Harris, Assistant Audit Manager, to create notes for a performance meeting that happened nine months earlier. Amy did not even remember the meeting. Marie suggested she get with Angela Cady, Audit Manager, to spark her memory. Amy agreed(IMG-4). This request took place during the time-frame of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Investigation. • Image 4 - After the State Auditors Office closed my chance for a clean exit, I decided to stick around. However, I was no longer the employee that I once was. I had become everything that they labeled me. Broken. 4th year • My illness compounded with stress/depression, and work at the Auditors Office seemed impossible. I began to have anxiety blackouts while driving to work, once nearly wrecking in a ditch. I blacked out at a clients office and fell through a wall. I stopped attending work, as well as tending to my business. • I fell behind on my house, my business collapsed, and I walked away from my position. 5th year • Freedom and the beginning of recovery!!! • I struggled to find work due to my prior situation. I was an accountant with major credit problems, a failed business, who no longer worked for a government agency that had a no employee information policy. I was told during an interview that they attempted to get a reference from my prior employer, but they thought it was strange when they couldnt get any information besides dates of employment. I explained that this was an organization policy. So instead they asked for any performance records. Lets just say I didnt get the job. As noted in the email earlier(IMG-5), my employment reviews received extra attention to ensure my problem areas stood out... in case the Auditors Office needed it. • I sewed together a super hero costume from old towels, long underwear, and cut-off jeans; to begin fighting CRIMES of HUMANITY.... Ok, none of that part happened, but Im pretty sure it would have been awesome! • My situation seemed dark; No job, losing assets, most of my business interests required decent credit. So I looked through the vault and found the best option available with zero cash. Website development. So I began to learn content management systems and how to develop basic apps. I havent reached financial freedom, but I do now have an amazing set of skills to add to my portfolio. An accountant that could build a fully functional and scalable auction site, not too bad! • Here I am. Hoping to drop the last of this baggage by reporting my last piece of Government corruption! I never asked for any of this and I refuse to idly stand by while it happens. My only regret is that I did not stand behind myself sooner! Id like to end this posting on a good note! Ive had friends ask me why I dont sue. The answer is simple! There is no case unless someone suffers damages. Sure I lost my physical assets but I have my family, and a much much higher value for myself. How can I be upset? The Washington State Auditors Office put me through a nightmare and I came out a wounded warrior; with twice the skills and five times the drive! When life takes away a job, create one! Believe me when I say there are plenty of markets to pioneer. If you fail, learn and do it again. If you keep failing, invent a new type of crack and throw a chunk, with your number, through Charlie Sheens front window(dont actually do this)! The point is, there is nobody out there who can stop you besides yourself. If someone brings your value down, find a way to permanently increase it. My advice doesnt come as someone whose already made it. But it doesnt matter, because I actually know things will be just fine, because Ill make my own path. So at risk of sounding bitter(I reserve the right to be at least a little), I would like to also leave a message for those who participated in these events. The worst thing you did was help break me down with legitimate paranoia! I blame myself for letting it affect me. Maybe I was all wrong about my performance from the beginning. Maybe, the multiple awards I won my first year were actually participant ribbons... If that is the case, it should not be necessary to doctor records, lie in a federal investigation, or conspire to create documents. My performance aside, this isnt behavior that should be condoned by the people who audit Government! How would you react if an audit client disagreed with you? One final note; I kept my State issue laptop bag when I left... Sorry... If you want it back, youll need to fetch it from Dirty Mike and the Boys!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 17:11:50 +0000

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