PLEASE READ AND SHARE... I am completely and utterly - TopicsExpress


PLEASE READ AND SHARE... I am completely and utterly overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support for the story about my little rescue dog, Jett. I have blogged the story over the past six months on Facebook and still her journey is seven days away from completion, which is when she is out of UK quarantine and home, safely, with me. She is just ONE of the many hundreds of thousand of street dogs and cats in Turkey and across the continent - and indeed the many more homeless and abandoned animals a little closer to home. ACTION: I am not entirely sure what all of this attention means, but it has clearly hit a nerve and I believe the almost 20,000 hits on my reunion video in less than ten days has HAPPENED FOR A REASON and even though I am not exactly sure what direction to take now, the universe is perhaps offering me a platform for a crusade for other animals just like Jett. Awareness is the key and I think my blog about Jett has certainly captured the hearts of many, so I will continue to ask you to share the story as I know that very soon, I will know how to use the notoriety that Jetts story has received. PLEASE SHARE this video and hope that this already viral clip can help other dogs and animals who may not yet have been as lucky as my girl. People have asked me WHY?? Why go to so much effort for one street dog? Why feel the need to rescue this dog and take her so many thousands of miles to be with you? My reply is simple... I was not looking for a dog. I fell in love with her at first sight. When I first put her on my lap and looked into her eyes, I sobbed... I sobbed like a baby and promised her I would be there for her and would never let her suffer again. SHE saved ME. SHE rescued ME - for my heart has never been so full of love and my world has never been so bright. PLEASE SHARE, ladies and gentleman. Sending LOVE and LIGHT. Zak X https://facebook/video.php?v=10152905426189052&set=vb.650589051&type=2&theater
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 22:11:41 +0000

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