PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU WATCH THIS.... My friends....i am NOT A PAT OR TAHIR AL QADRI SUPPORTER at all....but watch this video...and tell me whether this is democracy! 1)PAT has never been known for extremism OR VIOLENCE... 2) No court ever issued an order to remove blockades at Minhaj ul Quran..infact, the blockades were placed there on the orders of Lahore High Court.... 3)PAT workers were not armed...... 4) On whose orders and WHY WAS A CIVILIAN PML N WORKER GULLU BUTT LEADING THE CHARGE OF THE POLICE? 5) How can the police so brutally keep killing civilians...and the Chief Minister says HE DID NOT KNOW ABOUT IT??? Imagine if this happened to your house and to your family!!!! Allah ki qassam hai if this happened and PTI was in power, I WOULD SAY THE SAME THING ABOUT PTI !!! Its not about PML N , PTI or PAT....its about what kind of a system we live in and how we have got so numb and insensitive to everything. Mark my words, if these PAT people dont get JUSTICE, they will turn into extremist militants.... https://facebook/photo.php?v=10152698356494090&set=vb.174993319089&type=2&theater
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 10:32:51 +0000

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