** PLEASE READ. Heartbreaking story and GRAPHIC IMAGES BUT NEEDS - TopicsExpress


** PLEASE READ. Heartbreaking story and GRAPHIC IMAGES BUT NEEDS TO BE SHARED** On Thursday night, a Bearded Dragon who had grossly neglected was brought to the attention of Graham at the reptile rescue. Heres Tillys story... Tilly was once a very loved and cared for pet. Unfortunately the owners relationship broke down and although Sasha never owned Tilly, she begged her ex to let her keep the lizard as shed fallen in love with her and he couldnt care less. Out of spite, he said no and also took their dog who was later given away. If ever there was a case of blatant neglect... Tilly was found on Thursday by a concerned visitor to the house he lives in. She was on the floor in the hall way. Shed had no heat, UV, food or water for MONTHS and the reason given was I cant be bothered with her, let nature take its course Tilly was taken to the vets by Graham on Thursday where she had a few blood tests, a booster injection and an antibiotic injection and the vet was to get back to him with blood test results. I decided to take Tilly home with me for the weekend as I was off on Friday with no plans for the next 3 days. So we got her home and it started... For the first few hours she had hourly feeds of 1ml or less water mixed with some various medicines. She passed a massive calci lump that I can only imagine had been causing much discomfort and did a fairly large poo. Then she went onto constant two hourly feeds. Tillys hydration improved a tiny tiny bit over the next day. This continued till last night. Tilly had not had any change except only passing clear liquid and blood, but at around 6pm, I got her out for a very small feed and in a matter of seconds, shed covered me with regurgitated food. I didnt realise at the time but her kidneys had already shut down and her intestines were doing nothing, she had gone into renal failure. I have never seen anything like what I witnessed come out of her last night. After a conversation with Graham, I decided that it is very very likely Tilly was now going into multi organ failure. So we made that dreaded decision no one ever wants to make.. We took Tilly to say goodbye to Sasha one last time and hear Sashas voice so she felt some comfort then made our way to the out of hours vet. It was not good news. We were right in our diagnosis. Tillys kidneys were shut down, her lungs were collapsing and her heart was so weak, the vet couldnt even hear her heart beat. Tilly had very sadly, lost her fight Tilly had in fact, been in an excruciating amount of pain for a long time. All of this pain could have been prevented by her horrible ex owner Google searching a couple of words to find us, or asking around for someone else to have her. Instead, he left her to get fatally ill because he simply could not be bothered. Id like to take tgis opportunity to say thank you to Tracy Tattooist, Mandy Farrance, Zoe Young and everyone else who showed us so much support. Id also like to thank Sasha Louise Edwards for the massive financial help provided and the immense love she showed to Tilly. As awful as this situation is, Im really happy to have met you. I think we all need to thank Graham Martin for doing what he does day in and day out. Hes a hero!! Also, thank you to Steven Barry for the emotional support through the long hours and me being tired. So we say goodbye to this beautiful little fighter and wish her on her way to reptile heaven. Graham Martin Sasha Louise Edwards and I have decided to move on trying to seek prosecution for what this monster has done. RIP Tilly, I fell completely in love with you from the start and I would have given anything to make you better. Know youre loved and will be missed. Its been a widely mutual feeling that Tilly had made a very very special impact on all our lives xxxxxxxxx Shes now sleeping next to my Kiyo, peaceful and at rest xxxxxxx *****Please share this story far and wide so people know. Take two seconds to ask a simple question to Google... Youll find someone to help. Like Berkshire Reptile Rescue. Just 5 minutes drive from the house Tilly was found in. *******
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 19:24:26 +0000

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