PLEASE READ: I know that my posts the lasts few days have been - TopicsExpress


PLEASE READ: I know that my posts the lasts few days have been all over the board. I apologize. Its been a tough week. The things that many dont see are the things that are the most difficult to deal with sometimes. This week again Ive had people I thought were friends, some who have been with me for the last 5 years, who had supported ROTD through encouragement and through financial support, do a complete turnaround because I wont stand for poor behavior on my page. People who have always stood by the site who because I stood against the poor behavior, attacked not only me and my character but also completely turned against all that ROTD stands for and said about Michael, the exact OPPOSITE of what the site is about, and the exact opposite of who he is (I wont go into it as it was not kind) and yet, just a month ago, were supporting the site and what it stood for, or so I thought. Apparently not. It never ceases to amaze me how people act when though I have tried to show empathy and kindness here, will turn on me on a dime if I refuse to accept poor behavior. I wont go into all that was said or all that happened, but suffice it to say, some of it was very nasty and hurtful. Michael Jackson had said often that he was betrayed constantly by people he thought were friends. I definitely believe that as I have experienced it myself so many times. Some have felt I am being hypocritical if I even post anything about MJ now after having said I am moving forward. This is a great misunderstanding. I have tried to make it clear. I am moving forward by now putting more concentration on my own life, my own projects, etc. If there is relevant news about MJ, of course I will post that, but without getting into all of the drama, which I want no part of. To expect me to completely divorce the whole subject is not realistic. It was a calling on my life, and ROTD will always be a part of who I am. To use that against me is a low blow and people know this, so they do it. At any rate, and without going into anything further, i just wanted to explain that it is sometimes a very slippery slope to walk this calling. There are days that it just feels like all that is going on is people clawing at your garments, wanting favors, asking questions. Then you have conversations with well-known people, then the next minute your doing your laundry, cleaning your house and doing the everyday. The next minute? People who you thought were sincere friends, say the most gosh awful things to you and about your character because you stood against poor behavior. Its ugly and confusing at times, beautiful at others. I spend time thinking about how to continue to love and help others when each time you reach out and give of yourself, there are people in the wings waiting to try to bring you down. Of course there is a lot of beauty and good in the world. I went out each day for a long time smiling at every stranger and desiring to help and love. That hasnt diminished in me, its just become a LOT more difficult, a lot harder, because my heart can only take so many bruises. ~ Debbie
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 12:53:00 +0000

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