PLEASE READ IT ALL. 3 MARCH 2012 Senator - TopicsExpress


PLEASE READ IT ALL. 3 MARCH 2012 Senator Jeff Siddoway Idaho State Senate PO BOX 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0081 USA Dear Sir, Senator might I firstly bid you good day. And wish you pleasant greetings. And tell you I do not represent anybody. Nor seek an endorsement. I am simply a concerned person. As you will immediately see you are not reading a letter from a concerned American. From the great state of Idaho. Or from any other great American state for that matter. But from a concerned Englishman, and as equal as any American, with the same concerns as you would find anywhere. And that deeply respects all life that dwells on our good earth. And including all that dwell in Idaho. And it concerns a Facebook post you made in response to a Mary Truelove. About S1305 and the implementation of legislation relating to the depredation of wolves. Your text of the FB post reads: Consider this: there are thousands of head of sheep and cattle and other livestock currently grazing on many ranches across the state, and hundreds of herding and working dogs helping to guard these animals. They are all out in the open range, with no corral or fence or other human protection whatsoever (except when the herders are there to feed and water them.) The guard dogs can only do so much and are no match for the wolves either. Are guard dogs no less an animal deserving of protection? Do sheep and cattle feel less pain or terror when being attacked by a wolf? Where is the compassion for these animals that are in peril 24/7? Wolves do not attack exclusively for feeding – it’s more often for sport, and one pack has been known to kill as many as 78 animals in one attack, leaving ranchers with devastation to clean up. It’s not just about the cost of the loss of the animals, the cost of cleanup, the lack of available funds to reimburse for the losses (20 cents on the dollar) – it’s emotionally horrific to see the death of so many animals. It is a senseless loss. And it is these words that you have posted that is my cause for concern. For I see the “SAME” mistake being made here as did the first white settlers made when they found the land inhabited by other people? Native American People. You cannot “fence yourself in” from wolves and other wild carnivores that inhabit the good state of Idaho. Any more than you could have “fenced yourself in” from The Native Americans of days gone by. Each are part of the landscape. You cannot remove one without that you create a serious imbalance in the other, or in Nature and your own ability in which, you too, survive in it. Let me speak of the ranchers, the farmers, their families. The sheep. The cattle. The industry that surrounds that. And their way of life. In a nutshell? Sadly. “IT IS ALL DOWN TO THE MONEY” Costs. Loss. Compensation. To say nothing of the barbaric acts played out within nature. With rotting carcasses everywhere. Does not bode well of a clean environment. As with the white settlers. Cattle and sheep are not indigenous to the Eco system of what you find there in the high country in Idaho of which you speak. They were “INTRODUCED”. And not part of that Eco system. I AM AFRAID THAT MATTERS VERY MUCH. Native Americans have most certainly been there for at least 10,000 years. Perhaps more? Perhaps less? I am not here to argue anthropology. The wildlife found there considerably longer. The Native Americans way of life was “WITH” the environment not “AGAINST “it. Native Americans lived with it. White settlers tried to control it. Tried to control them? And when they could not do that? THEY DESTROYED IT! THEY SLAUGHTERED IT! THEY DESTROYED THE NATIVE AMERICANS. Creating a void. For now there were too few who knew how to balance the natural environment. The imbalance of that action devastated races of people. To the point were they no longer exist. WHITE SETTLERS destroyed them. They were made EXTINCT. And your environment suffers to this day because of it. You are now “FULL CIRCLE”…..White settler descendants are now destroying the wolves. In any way they can? And the wolves and other wild carnivores that would stalk and kill, with stealth and cunning, an indigenous prey animal? Far harder to kill. Now stalk a far weaker species. AN INTRODUCED SPECIES. Simply because it was brought here. It was “out of place” in this hostile environment? Had no defense mechanisms to survive? And so was “McDonald’s” to go, on the hoof, wolf style? So blame the “WOLF”……? Once again. The blame is put where it does not belong. For all your troubles? You must look to yourselves as the culprit. Not the wolf. As they did with Native Americans. White settles provide the very weakness wolves hunt and kill with such ease. Leaving the wild environment to fend for itself. That mere act is causing a serious imbalance in nature. Whether you see it or not? For without the wolves? The sick and the weak indigenous population of prey animals suffers also. With disease and malnutrition causing untold suffering to animals. The wolves are not your problem. Though the imbalances within the environment are. Created by the farmers, the ranchers, the industry that surrounds that. Your state legislator. YOU YOURSELF. YOU weigh the balance here. It does not mean that all these elements can not co-exists. But a NEW solution is needed here. That’s your job Senator. My final point here is this. Wolves DO NOT KILL FOR SPORT. There is not one documented case of it. EVER! Anywhere in the world. There your information is inaccurate. Finding 78 dead animals is not evidence of wolf attack. For there are so many other predator species that would not hesitate to take advantage of that. Just because they do not be seen? Does not mean they are not there? Wolves are the easy way out. Because as “warriors” of the animal kingdom they are “top dog” and afraid of nothing. And you need that to survive human hatred of wolves. Wolves HUNT! They KILL! They DEVOUR! THEY EAT EVERYTHING! And then, left alone, they become as secretive as they were before an attack. How would you feel Senator trying to defend this to me? Apparently this is in Canada. And is a mixture of wolves and coyotes. Some even have radio collars on. What kind if animal husbandry is this? But not let borders get in the way. There are no demarcation lines on this planet. It is a man made statement to define land theft. Over which my own country fought many wars in the past. Not only with the US colonials. But with the French also, in Canada. I have always imagined that the mistakes of the past? Once discovered? And at a future event. Would lead to “second sight” the second time around. And this is where you are Senator. Do you have second sight? Senator, I have sympathy for your position here. And having to find an economic solution also? An environmental answer here? A fine balance? It cannot be easy. I commend you. And as when the first white settlers landed there? And so today. You CANNOT dictate to NATURE your law! Your legislation. Your balance. IT IS YOU THAT ARE OUT OF BALANCE HERE. Not the wolves. Not nature. And it wasn’t The Native Americans. As my own protest? I decided to once again not consider the USA as a holiday destination for myself and my family. And I do so love it there. I tell my 8 year old of my adventures there. Of my discoveries. Of the good people there. Sowing seeds in hope that he too, will one day, feel as I felt, when, in the Grand Teton Mountains, of Wyoming, one day, felt the awesome presence of “something truly awe-inspiring” when in those wild places. I imagine the great state of Idaho to be no different. And I have never had that pleasure yet. I was close once. In Montana, at The Custer Monument. But was on a tight time schedule then. Having to yet drive through South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas and on to Oklahoma to visit the supposed grave site of Geronimo at Fort Sill. Before heading west through Texas into New Mexico and finally Arizona for my flight back to the UK. And if you can imagine I had came to Phoenix, AZ. And travelled north through Utah and into Wyoming. And driven all the way by car to The Medicine Wheel, and Devil’s Tower at the beginning of my journey. Loving every minute of my month’s travelling through all those beautiful places. You may get some idea of what is at risk in your state. You cannot confine your wild creatures. You are not a zoo, And wholesale slaughter of wolves is not the answer. That is something you are in danger of losing in Idaho. The excitement of the adventure that life is. This state wide, country wide, wolf slaughter that has been going on in the USA over recent months has me greatly concerned at the direction America is moving in as regards to it’s environmental policies? It is “bowing” to the dollar in all directions. IT MATTERS. And I shall never spend my tourist dollars in Montana ever again. They are high on the wolf slaughter list. Not one for bowing to anything earth bound personally? I have the capacity to be respectful for what Nature shows me? And take the teaching with me as I leave. And take only pictures. Leaving my footprints as the only evidence I was ever there. Legislating against the balances of nature is folly. And it will fail. If your only concern is : Again, your input is appreciated, and I trust that this input is valued as well. We can only hope to do the best we can for the most people we can, recognizing we can’t please everyone. Thank you. And that the conclusion is? How many people you can? And cannot please? Recognising you cannot please everyone? Then I suggest that you and I journey to a wild place? A couple of normal regular guys. And chill out. And I will explain to you face to face. What it is I can see. That you cannot. This is where I find you Senator Jeff Siddoway. There is a rather derogatory response at the end of the FB post. But I am not so inclined to be rude to an American Senator. I am much more polite than that. But here it is: This is a reply I got earlier today from this idiot that knows nothing about Wolves. I do not think that there is ever any need to be insulting. Even over a hot issue. Such as wolves. You create nothing from that. But it is right in one respect. You know nothing of wolves Senator. Not an issue here. Just my own observation and comment. I hope that at some point you will be able to respond to me in a letter. In such matters I am old fashioned. Cyberspace although quick. Is still a void. Seeing a letter? Hearing a letter? You are eagerly waiting for? Drop on the mat? Is much more exciting. Good day to you Senator. My letter to you is complete. Do have yourself a nice day. With the greatest respect to your endeavors Senator I now close my letter. Yours Sincerely Signature J. WALKER.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 08:09:18 +0000

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