PLEASE READ “Philippines in the Brink of Total - TopicsExpress


PLEASE READ “Philippines in the Brink of Total Devastation If the Government Not Act Fast.” By: Eugene Laureta I often ask myself what was happened the mind of the Filipino people, are they left behind or just controlled by bureaucrats, I cannot envision we have so many intelligent in our country but unfortunately until now they were under by the influenced of these administrative officials, sadly many of our fellow cannot see the truth behind their motives. Indeed in the Philippine history our country remains the most unimproved country on earth caused by corruption this is why we remain last though the government flagged the GDP what is the use of stats? it is pointless, What we need is results. Yet many people still don’t understand the real intention of our government, how many decades have gone by, without realizing the situation of our nation? How many times you march to EDSA and shout your slogan? You protesting without realizing what you are crying for? You swarming the street for the stepping down of the leader of your wrong choice I can say that many Filipinos are like tornado and their wrong choice are like vortex once vortex hits the ground it caused huge disaster. i wasn’t born yesterday that is why I am telling you this. This is my observation and let me tell you, Philippine government doesn’t want us to be free from this chaos and poverty How come you keep on ignoring this? How come your principle can be traded for a can of sardines, noodles, kilo of rice and a peso?, how come you let these people fooling you, allowing them to rape your innocence and certainly without a shadow of a doubt the future generation will suffer by their madness, they will keep on fooling the people until we lost everything and until the day we close our eyes. It’s a given that our government doesn’t want our country to be free; indeed they really are why I said that because if they really wanted a change it was supposed to took place decades ago the fine reason why our country doesn’t get ahead is because of their selfish motives maybe one of them has good intention but what about the rest? That the only intention is to do the work of evil, and the good one is dominated by many in the end this unique one will force to join them instead of fighting them and bound to dance to their song. These bureaucrats doesn’t care about us even its citizens are dying even it leads to death of many Filipino they won’t bother to them the important is to pursue their motives to simply rob the poor and rape the innocence of its people, I know you are aware of these sharks and crocs these officials the so called leaders have you remember those? Well they are the only plunderers which until now have unresolved case, they got the money that is why they can freeze the proceedings of justice, and one serious matter happened about the lady whose mastermind of the multimillion scam? You never can tell there were bureaucrats behind this scam and she is only the catcher of the ball but behind that you bet not only three or four involved but many of them you have ample idea I know. What about the funds that was given by many countries for their support for the families which was affected by the savage typhoon where are those help, where are those monies now? And where are those tons of relief goods that supposed to give and spread to the families which affected by disaster, where are those reliefs now, already consumed? Already utilized? or in your warehouses hoarding it for your own benefit. The worst thing was the relief goods that have been packed why you need to repack it again and put your name and picture on the plastic bags why is that? Listen! Once you put your identity on the thing it means that you own that thing, considering you put your names and pictures on the relief it means you own the relief’s shame on you shame on you officials. Where is the money of the survivors where are their houses that supposed to shelter from the heat of the sun and colds of the night the survivors needs roof above their heads, did you do the math correctly? Why you built only few houses with substandard structure and substandard size these survivors are human so they need proper shelter? You don’t own the money which was donated by countries that monies are for people who are affected by disaster, I am certain this message makes sense to you government officials you feel it by heart. Another one the huge tax deductions, tax is not bad as far as I am concern because this fund runs the country, funds the calamity so on and so forth but if the fund use illegally then it’s a disaster the country will suffer and stuck in the mud of poverty this is why the country won’t move ahead, if you examine the word “corruption” then think of it what goes into your mind, let the Word Web give its definition it is “1)Lack of integrity or honesty (especially susceptibility to bribery); use of a position of trust for dishonest gain”, “4)Moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles”, & “6)Inducement (as of a public official) by improper means (as bribery) to violate duty (as by committing a felony)”. To make the matter worst the crocs are still inside the house (Malacañang) even with unresolved plunder case et all, hence they were wandering around and “pretending” to be a good public servant even though they have credibility no more, shamed on you criminals, if the small one commit even slightest offence you drag them to prison in no time without having a fair trial but when these sharks and crocs commit the heaviest offence you let them at large, unfortunately many Filipinos not seeing this because they were blind folded and fooled by these bureaucrats because the lack of discernment they not notice even fooled in the very outset, have you not noticed in their campaign they expressed all the sweetest word exist to get your attention and have your support but the moment you bite their bait then you are fall by their booby trap. Have you not realized after the election they cannot even recognize you at all, come on! People of the Philippines think about it? These so called leaders are masters of disguise, they were gluttons to the taste of money how they can feed us, if they cannot control their gluttony, and how they can protect us if they are the number one violators? If they cannot protect the people they cannot certainly protect our country and the country we loved will bound to destruction. Don’t keep your silence your life is pointless if you don’t use your voice, I am not advocating you to march to EDSA my point is use your intelligence if it’s possible flood your concern to the White House, you read it right… I said to the White House and not the Malacañang Palace, no more EDSA we won’t need that anymore but rather flood and bombard the White House with your emails and mails we have the glory to do that because of internet if you do that I am certain they will make their move, I predict six to eight years from now Philippines will fall into the hands of our enemy the giant country that will ever conquer the Philippines and swallow our country in whole we are just a fragments to them, if the government don’t act fast then we will face the terrible tragedy will ever occur in the Philippine history. We’ll fall in the hands of gigantic enemy no wonder it would happen in the near future and expect more destruction and slaughter will take place compared the WW2 we all know the enemies advantages of weaponry of mass destruction the vast ocean of fighters are ready to sacrifice their lives in the name of their leaders command, we don’t have much time my fellow Filipinos but if you act now and let America control and govern our country, then our country will spare to the coming wrath I hope this prediction is wrong. you can make your own research if doubted and not convinced, the bullying by china many times for the past several years was/is the validation that by hook or by crook they will take us out they have no fear think of it people.. If possible please stop supporting those bureaucrats in Malacañang you believed are hero the only intention is to break your family break the heart of our country they are not good player rather they are cheater to imagine that when the war comes the so called hero will run first to keep their asses out of the fire take refuge to the safest country of their choice its funny to say that but it would possibly happen, chose the right leaders whose deserve and willing to die for his country his allegiance should never to break for the sake of his country, not allegiance to money stop supporting the so called leader the sheep in clothing but devourer they can’t make a difference, unless they rid the word “money” in their mind there is no way I believe, but bit by bit will kill us in the end the people will perish will die in vain we can stop their madness by doing the right thing. I am hoping that one day the people of Philippines step out from their comfort zone, what you need to do is pick the right leader of your choice, chose them by heart don’t allow yourself to fall into their bait examine the motives of your chosen leaders. Don’t let your sons, your daughters rape their innocence you do make a difference voice out, I am not advocating you for another EDSA Revolution what I am telling here is raise your voice against the futile so called leaders in the administration and call upon the immediate takeover of American system. Raise your voice for the total control of America they can help us, they can protect us, if you really want our country to be free make a right decision act now, take action now. Call for the immediate control of America have you not see the countries which are under by American state they are all equal there is nothing wrong if Philippines become American state it would be better for us for the sake of our family for the sake of our children, for the sake of our nation, and for the sake of the new generations to come., if America control our country we have the privileges to live the life we dreamed of, we can have a better place to live, if we let America take the full control of our nation we have a big chance of surviving the war, all is possible to them. In case you’re wondering why I urge you people is because no one can transform our nation but America they have the power to do so. No worry we will remain Philippines the only changes is the government system. America take over our country now please understand the giant dragon is now starting sniffing our country and one day when we woke up no wonder our nation is in the hand of our enemy if that happen I would rather die than to see the Philippines in the hands of my enemy dying. Let me remind you the devastation from our yesterday we should learn from that experience that experience was a solid validation from the past we should learned the lesson, the problem I see is our government is pretending to be strong even though it’s not? Our country is weak and doesn’t have the capability to fight the enemy but USA alone we don’t have that power to defend our country we should admit that, we can’t win just by pride, we can’t win from our ego, and we can only win if America leads the battle for us. It dawned on me one of the puppeteer you trusted before kicked the US military base in Subic bay from then, our giant neighbor country are eying to invade us, they are getting closer and closer to us, their vast advantage of military power are optimal they have vast ocean of soldiers, huge reserved of arms they have tons of tons of weapon of mass destruction, do we have that? I bet NO! Philippines wake up! Who the heck you think the only super power freed us from the invasion no one but USA and this is what we pay for kicking them? USA is our firewall against attacker perhaps you forgotten. We cannot live by pride, our lives cannot save by pride, but this pride will bring us to dungeon of death, pride cannot feed our hungry people, pride cannot give us a decent living, pride cannot heal the broken heart of Philippines cause by these criminals, I hated to say this but that is the reality our country was crying, our country is now dying, our people is now dying caused by the so called leaders. We won’t need another marching to EDSA what we need is to is raise your voice call America for full rehabilitation of our country, we ask for justice to put these criminals behind bars not house arrest, these plunderers and pointless bureaucrats deserve the jail. Hoping Philippines will one day wake up from this nightmare invaders are now getting closer and closer to our country you aware of them I know, it is now the right time the fully control of America I dreamed of one day before the day I close my eyes I see our country as American state, I do believe this will happen If you raise your voice but if you keep your silence then becoming American state will not going to happen. Do you remember the leaders who ousted by the Filipino people? I bet you know him but I am not going to disclose any name here for the sake of violation of privacy, what my point here is why you people are stubborn, are you going to let the worst thing happen again before you act? If china make a move to attack Philippines they easily can, they have their military advantages, our nation doesn’t have power of fighting them we all bound to butchery our family will slaughters we are going to wipe out of the map if government don’t act fast then one day you/we will see your/our love ones on the ground lifeless, People wake up we don’t want start all over again. America has helped us in the past who do you think will help us again? No wonder only America. They can protect our nation they can make our nation shine so let United States of America do the full control of our country. Hoping that one day I see Philippines becomes under by the US state if that happened I am happy to leave in this world with a smile on my face knowing the Philippines become a better place to live, not convinced? Look at Hawaii, and all other US states they live happily I understand there are no perfect country but I do believe all the US state taste the life they dreamed of. Pride cannot feed us, pride cannot protect us, pride cannot save us, and pride cannot heal the nations cut, pride cannot solve the countries crime, but pride will lead us to famine and death and devastation, were not a communist country like china and North Korea is in it so you have freedom to make a difference of changing our nation government system, I had a feeling in the coming years to come as I said earlier Philippines will be facing the biggest event we will never forget if we let our pride then our family will suffer our children will suffer our country will suffer, poor will suffer but the sharks and crocs will take refuge by going to the safest place of their choice they will leave the country as the drop of the hat when devastation takes place they will hide in the possible safest hiding place to save their assess from the fire. Filipino wake up your mind It is now time to give the full control to America it is now time to give the full control of our country to protect us from the enemy I love my country as you love them as well Filipino people, we have to stop the madness of these politician whose masters of disguise. Philippines are tired of decades of suffering this chaos and poverty Filipinos are tired of unfair treatment but wanted fair treatment Filipinos wanted a decent living. Listen people don’t wait to repeat what was happened in the past we won’t need to go back to square one anymore, but it will repeat again if you ignore and keep your silence. Remember today’s generation is very important they will inherit the future, so let our country govern by America system let them polish the stained system of this government without a shadow of a doubt American system can make our nation shine they can make immediate and full rehabilitation they are the only solution to our country. America take over Philippines… God Bless the Philippines…
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 07:43:42 +0000

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