PLEASE READ THE DECLARATION BELOW (source-Wikipedia) The Abuja - TopicsExpress


PLEASE READ THE DECLARATION BELOW (source-Wikipedia) The Abuja Declarion is the outcome of a conference of the African countries of the OIC in 1989 and launched by a communiqué of the Islam in Africa Organisation (IAO) founded during this conference. The Islam in Africa Organisation (IAO) is a Nigerian statuted Islamic organisation, an initiative of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC). Dr. Usman Muhamad Bugaje is the current Secretary-General of the IAO. Goals and strategies The organisation was founded on 28 November 1989 in Abuja,[1] Nigeria, with the goal to win the whole of Africa for Islam. The statutes and goals[2][3] are ratified in 1991 and this marks her formal definitive founding. The founding- communiqué is also called the Abuja Declaration.[4] Startingpoint for the conference is the fact that Africa is the only continent with an Islamic majority and therefore Africa should become completely Islamic.[5] The plan contains a lot of points that are also common for Christian missionary organisations as relief and economic progression. A battleplan was composed to Islamise Africa with some less innocent points in that decision: [6] “To ensure only Muslims are elected to all political posts of member nations”. “To eradicate in all its forms and ramifications all non-Muslim religions in member nations (such religions shall include Christianity, Ahmadiyya and other tribal modes of worship unacceptable to Muslim).” (the word Christianity is underlined in the declaration) “To ensure the ultimate replacement of all western forms of legal and judicial systems with the sharia in all member nations before then next “Islam in Africa conference.” “To ensure the appointment of only Muslims into strategic national and international posts of member nations.” The execution of this strategy can be recognised in countries like Nigeria, Ethiopia and Sudan. In Nigeria more and more provinces choose for the Sharia leading to heavy protests of Christians, oft resulting in violence and bloodshed to both sides. In Sudan the government chose in 1983 for the Sharia, in 1991 sharpened with death punishment for apostasy from Islam. Funds: The government of Nigeria has donated 21 billion US-dollar conform an IAO- communiqué [7] as donation to this “Islamic Development Fund”. Indeed an eye opener about who fund the crisis we witness today,who is the president that made the donation with Nigerias taxpayers money in 1989?, some how anybody/organization that has in its kitty $21billion from 1989 to date to execute an agenda,must have more than enough now to buy the most sophisticated armory. Please open your eyes and pray for Gods intervention. The time has come,evil days are here and the church is in danger,Christians must come together to pray for peace and the salvation of mankind because Danger does not know denomination.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:13:31 +0000

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