PLEASE READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE & SHARE "Japan is a society that - TopicsExpress


PLEASE READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE & SHARE "Japan is a society that shuns whistleblowers Why has TEPCO been able to cover up the truth about Fukushima for so long? Because Japan is a society of mass conformity. The idea of keeping your head down and not “rocking the boat” is deeply embedded in Japanese culture. Japan is not a nation of “rugged individualism” but of conformist acquiescence. As a result, whistleblowers are shunned, and there is immense peer pressure to defend the status quo… even when it’s a terrible lie. This culture of conformity at all costs is precisely what allows companies like TEPCO to continue operating extremely dangerous nuclear power plants with virtually no accountability. While Japan has entire museums dedicated to the horrifying history of two Japanese cities being bombed by the United States at the end of World War II, when Japan’s own power company is involved in a radiological disaster of similar magnitude, the entire incident gets swept under the rug. Radiation? What radiation? If the government says there’s no radiation, then there’s no radiation! After all, it’s invisible!" PLEASE READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE & SHARE
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 22:11:37 +0000

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