PLEASE READ THE WHOLE STORY BEFORE YOU KICK OFF AT ME !!!!!!! i know i rant on a lot,but in my opinion ,over the years the amount ive paid to society (in more ways than one ) ive earnt my right to rant. the next person who rants over something THAT DOESNT exist will be permanently deleted and blocked. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A BEDROOM TAX !!!!!!!! it is a phrase that was invented by the crap stirring press!!! i rent a 4 bedroom house ,i dont pay TAX for an extra bedroom i dont necessarily need !!!! If it were a bedroom tax we WOULD all pay it !!!! you blinkered sheep acting people !!!! IT is a " REDUCTION in BENEFITS "( benefits ARE NOT a wage , look up definition of benefit !!!) .Benefits are NOT a WAGE, they ARE NOT a right , they are a social way of helping the less fortunate in our society,(although some bring it on themselves ,).why should those of us who "pay our TAXES" have OUR to our hard earned money taken off us to give benefits to someone to live in a house that ISNT appropriate ??? AND BEFORE i receive abuse , YES i agree it IS an unfair system that wasnt thought out properly .There are NOT enough houses to go round THANKS to the greedy stupid tory party selling the social housing system off to make their books look better,i know MOST decent people would swap to a smaller house if they could ,AND NO they shouldnt be penalised for something that ISNT their fault,BUT many scroungers an we all know some ,wouldnt. Until a time that as and when the councils /govt can get their acts together the unfair system should be stopped !! BUT please folks STOP calling this "BENEFIT ADJUSTMENT" a tax , I PAY AN EXTORTIONATE amount in taxes , so i know what im talking about .theres a world of difference in a few simple words ,think about it , it makes sense , an id hate to lose a load of you as freinds xxx
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 11:12:25 +0000

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