PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU SEEK ADMISSION TO THIS GROUP This is a great group of Facebook Friends, 700+ strong. The focus of this Group is decided upon minute by minute postings by it’s members and the comments thereto. A post may start out on the weather forecast for today or a sudden memory of something long past and forgotten. The thread of that post may very well end up with comments on the price of Gasoline on Miami Beach. The one thing that everyone in this group has in common is we either grew up, live or hope one day to live in South Florida. We have and demonstrate love and respect for each other and jealously protecting each other’s feelings. The Group has grown exponentially in the past couple of months. In the past we have gone through months at a time without gaining 50 members. As of late, we are gaining 100 members in less than a week. The tenor and postings of it’s members attract a wide variety people seeking to join. From the very best, to the absolute worst society has to offer. I am one of our Administrators for this group. My job is not one of dictating subject matter or the necessity of each member posting or commenting. 85% of our members just read and enjoy the postings and comments of other members. That’s GREAT. How many times in life have we wished for or needed someone to listen to us? I will tell you now so that there is no mistake. My job is one of a mechanic. As of lately, a daunting and full time job. I assure each and every member that their feelings and well-being is safe and jealously guarded. That means that if your purpose in joining this group is to create drama or gain the trust of a member for the purpose of scamming them either out of their belongings, money or trust, you will not be admitted. If you put your last name first on your FB page [as many East European scam artist do], you won’t get past go. If you post on YOUR Facebook page inappropriate language, gang signs, nudity or inflammatory language, you might as well save yourself the trouble of punching the “Join” button. If your Facebook Page is void of any history except for chop and copy photos from the internet, don’t bother applying. If your intention is to join and then at 3 a.m. [when you think everyone is asleep] posting an ad for expensive sunglasses at a ridiculously low price in order to gain one or two members credit card info so you can either sell that information or buy yourself a Porsche, forget it. Just in the past three weeks alone I have rejected 4 out of every ten applicants. Sometimes I just hit the “Ignore” button and other times, I hit the “BLOCK” button which guarantees you will never read a public post from anyone in this group or even know whether this group is in existence. A lady applied last week and she had absolutely no personal information on her Facebook page at all except for her Profile photo. In an abundance of caution, I sent her a message asking her for enough info so that I could make an informed decision whether to admit her. That was part of my reason for sending the message. I had removed and blocked several persons using her Profile photo from three other groups. Turned out she was a very well respected person whose Profile photo had been copied and used by several Chinese Nationals attempting to sell sunglasses and gain credit card information.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 10:27:23 +0000

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