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PLEASE READ THIS LIKE AND SHARE if you would like to show your indignation at OBAMA CARE> OBAMA CARE...lets see if I have this correct. The new health care law requires every policy have a minimum of 10 features which include maternity care and birth control. I bet that will be a wonderful feature for all of the men who will never be pregnant or on the the pill and all of the women who cannot have children due to health or age issues. Another wonderful mandate is pediatric dental care. I guess that comes in handy if you have kids but why in the hell would childless individuals want pediatric dental care? But, if we all pay for these features then those who actually need them wont have to pay as much for them! Hmmm...socialism in a democratic country. Interesting! Now, I work 2 part time jobs. One doesnt offer insurance and the other does but the premiums would take more than half my pay and the deductible would take the other half. So, I guess the government will get my money in the form of a penalty fee which is 1% of my income...a lot less than the cost of the insurance. You see Nebraska elected NOT to extend medicade or premium coverage to single, childless individuals even though it did accept the additional federal money to help cover medicade costs. I personally see this as direct discrimination against childless citizens. I see OBAMA CARE as governmental over reaching into the private and personal lives of American citizens. Millions have lost insurance coverage because their existing policies did not meet the new mandates. Millions more have been socked with new premiums that have had triple digit cost increases and millions more will be filling the federal governments financial troughs because they are unable to afford coverage yet cannot receive assistance. So...THANK YOU Obama. You have put into law an act that puts money in the hands of the government and the insurance companies by taking it out of the food and living expense budgets of low to middle class Americans. You have forced thousands of employers to cut back on full time employment positions, cancel previously affordable insurance policies and take penalty fees rather than provide health care coverage. This new law allows millions more young Americans to remain on their parents insurance yet it is the enrollment of young Americans that this new policy is depending upon. Obama, you are an ignorant fool who, in his quest to PROVE his Health care policy is RIGHT has lost sight of the true needs of the American people! You have made this a personal issue focusing more on your own pride and inability to admit you erred rather than looking at the millions upon millions who are or will be suffering due to your own ignorant arrogance! I so wish you could run in the next election just so you could see how many people WOULD NOT and I repeat WOULD NOT, re-elect you.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 02:17:06 +0000

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