PLEASE READ THIS ONE OF THE GREATEST REVELATIONS the Holy Spirit has ever given me is the understanding that a good father is a good father, and that this concept transcends in its entirety directly from God to us in this earthly life. This has allowed me to have a proper foundation for correctly understanding who He is. See, everything a good dad can do to ensure the overall protection and well-being of his children - even the sacrificing of himself whenever need be - is a distinct, primary description of his purpose in life; it is merely what love does. Of course, a part of the intended purpose of this would, naturally, be to bring about peace and happiness in the lives of his children. In other words, being the leader of the household, HE IS THE SERVANT OF ALL (sound familiar?). Being a dad (and now even the proudest of grandfathers), I completely get this. Completely. Get. This. However, what saddens me so very greatly, is that so many Believers seem to think this doesnt describe our Heavenly Father – even though it is HIS OWN STATED PRINCIPLE. God doesnt exist to serve you and make you happy! Well, He would beg to differ, as that is HIS OWN DESCRIPTION of a good father. I know that far, FAR to many Christians see Him as !!!!GOD!!!! - the One Who Must Be Served, Obeyed and Feared!!! But that isnt Him; if you believe so, you dont really know Him and His character and nature (not to mention His own desires and promises, and the reasons behind those desires and promises). ...Then he began to wash the disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel he had around him. (John 13:5 NLT) Yes, Pastor Brad, but He was setting an example for them. Absolutely true. However, no one understands better than He that a good leader is someone who is more than willing to do things that he expects others to also do. The best CEOs understand that they are the facilitator/servant of everyone in their organization. For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her...(Ephesians 5:25 NLT) Yeah, like that. Wait till you see this one: “Be dressed for service and keep your lamps burning, as though you were waiting for your master to return from the wedding feast. Then you will be ready to open the door and let him in the moment he arrives and knocks. The servants who are ready and waiting for his return will be rewarded. I tell you the truth, HE HIMSELF WILL SEE THEM, PUT ON AN APRON, AND SERVE THEM AS THEY SIT AND EAT! (Luke 12:35-37 NLT) Go to your own Bible and read this in context, if youd like. It says what you think it says. Your LORD serves you. You know, that greatest is the servant of all stuff. You need to understand that your Father DOES live to serve you, and see to your happiness - if youll allow Him to. This is what ANY good father lives to do - BY GODS OWN DESIGNS AND DESIRES - and dont let anyone tell you otherwise. This is because He is a good Father – the best one, in fact, ever. And as your Dad, He absolutely loves, appreciates and adores you. He also very well understands, abides by and adheres to His own principles. Please respect Him and accept His ways and adoration for you! - Pastor Brad
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 18:26:40 +0000

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