PLEASE READ TONIGHT ITS BUSINESS AS USUAL at Bishops Lounge Comedy Open Mic Wednesday, but after tonight the show will be run as follows: The list will be capped at 20. This will guarantee all participants 5 minutes. You will be given a quick light at 4 minutes, and a continuous light at 5. It is your responsibility to look for the light. It is not required to fulfill the entire 5 minutes but it is strongly encouraged. If you have not finished your set by 5:30 the mic will be cut. If you significantly go over your time you are potentially taking time away from someone else and this could result in exclusion from Wednesdays to follow. All participants are required without exception to come prepared with THEIR OWN material. I encourage any and all first-timers as well as hobbyists to join us and participate but understand that the rest of us take this seriously. If you come on stage without YOUR OWN material you are potentially taking time away from someone else and this could result in exclusion from Wednesdays to follow. There will be no more sign-up. Every week I will be pre-booking 14 slots beginning on Saturday. This means that if you wish to be on the list it is up to you to contact Ryan Shanahan on Facebook or at (413) 522-6531. This will go until all 14 slots have been filled. After that everyone is welcome to come Wednesday night beginning at 7:00 to enter into a lottery. There will be 6 available lottery slots at 1, 5, 8, 11, 15, and 18, however this does not mean that only 6 people can enter. Names for lottery slots will be picked from a bowl giving everyone an equal chance of going up. If there is significant time remaining at the end of the night then lottery drawing will continue until that time is filled. For those who have been booked ahead of time, the order in which you are placed on the list will not be revealed until show time on Wednesday. This means no more picking your own slot. Exceptions as far as list placement will be granted to those who have legitimate reasons for not being at Bishops on time as well as those who have to leave early. Otherwise everyone participating is required to be at Bishops by 7:30. If your name is called and you are not there you will be removed from the list and a lottery drawing will take place. SUPPORT THE ROOM THAT SUPPORTS YOU. Open mics are for work shopping old material and trying new and this is difficult to do without audience feedback. After you have finished your set it is totally reasonable to step outside for some air, a cigarette, etc. What is not reasonable is, as a performer, stepping outside for some air, a cigarette, etc. and remaining outside. You are allowed to leave but if you intend on doing your time and hanging out on the balcony for the rest of the show it is not fair to the other performers and it will not be tolerated. The Mystery Prize will continue but instead of everyone having equal chance winning we will be adopting the contest format. Rules for each weeks contest will be revealed at show time on Wednesday and will be focused on improving your performance. Lastly, the final Wednesday of the month I will be inviting out-of-town comics to headline the show! They will be paid out-of-pocket by me but I will also put out a donation jar so we can show some extra appreciation. This means I will be pre booking only 10 slots and the remaining 5 will be lottery. If anyone has any questions please feel free to get in touch! See you all tonight!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 14:58:43 +0000

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