PLEASE READ!!! This is re-posted with permission from Stylin-Joe - TopicsExpress


PLEASE READ!!! This is re-posted with permission from Stylin-Joe Ziler. It is Joes story about his brother, Mike. PLEASE SHARE!!! This is a must read but please understand where this comes from. This is not to be taken as a downer this is meant in its most positive form to change you outlook on mental illness. Why am I writing about such a taboo subject that is typically not talked about? Read on...and please feel free to share this post. Mental health, depression and suicide are ALL things that either affects you personally or someone you know at one time or another in your life. In most cases, statistically speaking, depression hits 1 in 10 Americans and over 80% of those go untreated. Personally I think the numbers are MUCH HIGHER. The most shocking statistic is that depression is HIGHER in women than in men. Depression, in its worst form, brings on thoughts of suicide and in some cases actual suicide. That is what happened to my brother Mike 7 months ago. He hid his pain from others to the point where it consumed him, his thoughts and his actions and he took his own life. Mike no longer has an option to reach out for help but YOU do. Thats right YOU, the one person that this message is speaking to right now as YOU are reading this. YOUR depression, despair and emotions are overrun and YOU feel like life is not worth living. YOU see, YOU can reach out. YOU can reach out to any of us, YOUR friends, and talk about how YOU feel. YOU are NOT alone. YOU are loved and YOU have no idea how YOU would be missed if YOU decided to take YOUR own life. YOUR thoughts of despair may be consuming YOU telling YOU otherwise. That is understandable and that is what happens in the darkest periods of deep depression. There is hope! My mission is to help YOU. For YOU to realize that there is a life to be lived. That YOU have a purpose and that YOU have a value to all of us. if YOU do not want to reach out to YOUR friends and family out of embarrassment, or for whatever reason, that is ok. YOU can call the national hotline at 1-800-273-8255. Please take the first step. YOU have a choice if YOU are reading this that others do not have. On another note if you have someone that you know that suffers from depression please reach out to them, talk to them, and give them the gift of love and acceptance. The kindness you show them TODAY may be the one thing that changed their decision about continuing their life....
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 20:30:02 +0000

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