PLEASE READ and SHARE – KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, AND THIS IS POWERFUL~!~ ~Rebel On February 21st, 1871 the 41st Congress of the United States committed the most egregious act of treason ever perpetrated on the citizens of our Republic. On that day they destroyed the Republic and committed all of the power of the Federal Government to the hands of a newly created private corporation. Raise your hands if you know what that means. Crickets. . . That’s OK – no one else knows either. Well, that’s not entirely accurate. There are nearly 600 residents of our nation’s capital that understand what it means. They should understand – they benefit from it. Five minutes from now you will understand as well. The first thing that you should consider is the reason and meaning of a corporation. Why does such a thing exist? Many of you work for private corporations. What benefits can be derived from such an entity? Some of you are starting to get the picture already. Let me ask you a question. When was the last time an elected Federal Official was truly hurt by a scandal? Understand that I am not talking scandals involving the personal life such as an affair. When was the last time a politician truly answered for a scandal involving their official office and duties? Aside from the affairs and off the books deals taking money politicians do not answer for true abuses of genuine power. Have you ever wondered why? Remember the BP Horizon that exploded in the Gulf? How about the deaths in the West Virginia coal mines over the last few years? How many executives and board members have served, or are currently serving prison time for the crimes that were committed? Aside from an occasional sacrificial lamb the answer is zero – and corporate America seems to be fresh out of lambs. Even the Enron disaster produced nearly no personal criminal liability. It was only the horrific financial nature of the transgression that caused Enron to collapse. You see, a corporation is an umbrella designed to shield its members from civil and criminal liability. Many of you own small businesses that operate as an LLC or corporation for the same reason. You do not have nearly the protection as a multinational corporation or the Federal Government, but you enjoy a protection none the less. That is what happened on February 21st, 1871. The 41st Congress simultaneously created the Corporation of Washington D.C. and endowed themselves with the status of a board of directors. Here is how it works: You create a geographic corporation limit – in this case Washington D.C. You nullify any existing government charters such as the documents that made the cities of Washington and Georgetown that exist within the limits of the new corporation. Without their charters all assets, property and functions of the now defunct municipality now become the defacto property of the newly created corporation. Care to take a guess at what assets, property and functions were transferred to the new corporation? That’s right – all form and function of the Federal Government. That would include the Congress, the Supreme Court and the Executive Branch. By extension every function that flows from these assets are wholly owned by the corporation. Prior to the creation of the corporation these assets and their functions resided in the cities of Washington and Georgetown. These cities exercised authority over the property and functions of the Federal Government as no such legal separation between the two existed as of yet. That was supposed to be the function of the 41st Congress when they scrapped the Constitution in favor of establishing eternal power held solely unto them. So that there is no misunderstanding – the Federal Government was moved to private ownership. The citizens of the Republic became customers of a business run by a private corporation – free from true civil or criminal liability. Ironically, this is a principle we see in practice every month when we pay our utility bills. Gas and electric utilities are examples of government authority transferred to a private corporation. How many of you smile when you open your monthly bill and think “life is good” as you write the check? It’s fun to watch our rates bounce up and down. I’ll give you one guess as to why this happens. Under the guise of “competition” governments no longer attempt to act like governments. It is clearly now business sold to the highest bidder. While we are on the subject of surrendering national authority to private corporations - ever wonder how the Federal Reserve escapes congressional scrutiny – given that it is not constitutional? For the few of you that may still be scratching your heads try this: think of the Federal Government in the same light as you would think of your employer. Think of the Federal Government as a well armed Wal-Mart. There are many different divisions, sections and functions to the Wal-Mart Corporation. They abide by their own rules and regulations and everybody works towards the same objectives (usually). What happens when someone trips over a loose floor tile or slips on an unmarked puddle of mop water? How about the customer that is paralyzed from a loss prevention associate that is following accepted Wal-Mart apprehension policies? Wal-Mart will attempt to settle the claims quietly; however, there is no civil or criminal liability that will ever transfer to a member of the board or any officer of the corporation. The status of corporation legally shields the individual members of the corporation from all civil and criminal liability. There are rare cases were the protection stops if set into law. Otherwise, the legal protection of the corporate status leaves the board and officers nearly invincible. This protection extends to most of the employees as well – though your employment may vanish for causing the powers to be some heartburn. On the other hand, the Corporation of the Federal Government exercises the authority to set the liability limits for all corporations. I wonder how much liability they have placed on themselves. This is the dirty little secret of Washington. This is why they don’t give a damn about us, the Republic or the Constitution. They simply do not have too. Ever wonder why executive orders are treated as laws from God himself? The same reason the CEO of your company enjoys the same near dictatorial power. One more thing – have you ever wondered why so many elections seem “fixed”? If you will recall we spoke about the transfer of all assets to the corporation. That included 51 percent of the voting stock as well. You see, corporations are – well, corporate bodies. They are a collective set up in the style of a democratic monarchy – of sorts. 49 percent of the voting shares are divided amongst to general population. 51 percent remains with the board. Did you know that the mandatory social security number is actually your single voter share for the board? The corporation allows the 49 percent to determine the congressional elections. The 51 percent simply rubber stamps the 49 percent returns – usually. They exercise their shares if they deem it necessary. It is a far different story for the Presidential elections. Somehow, most of you have known this – you just could not put your fingers on the specifics. The next time a politician jokes about government being bought and sold you will find it hard to see the humor. Then again, the best comedy comes from elements of reality. Lucius Sulla Want to learn more? You can visit the Third Continental Congress at:
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 06:32:26 +0000

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