PLEASE REMEMBER! And KNOW THIS; There is not statute of limitation - TopicsExpress


PLEASE REMEMBER! And KNOW THIS; There is not statute of limitation on murder! The Executive Order (1110) that sealed JFKs fate; another piece of the JFK murder puzzle and the overthrow of our government. Follow the money and who was to profit? 1. LBJ, a murderer involved in the hit on his own sister was let off the hook by going along with the conspiracy and cover up. 2. J. Edgar Hoover was in a position to put an end to the Kennedys, whom he hated and probably didnt need too much arm twisting to do so. 3. The military industrial complex benefited greatly because JFK was going to end the Vietnam war in 1965. Read Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara’s memoires and auto-biography... and that includes all of the helicopter pilots! He quoted. 4. The Federal Reserve was able to keep its stranglehold on our nations money supply and has been working behind the scenes for 100 years to erode our liberties and destroy our freedom, the USA being the last great bastion against total world rule as offered by President H.W. Bush as a good thing. 5. The C.I.A.! Lets not forget that JFK was committed to splintering the CIA into a thousand pieces and throwing it to the wind. Still, Allen Dulles was on the Warren Commission... and his brother was part of the cover up in Dallas. We need to understand the involvement of Herbert Walker Bush and his role in the CIA and Argusto during the assassination period to see how greatly this altered American history turning us away from a free republic to what author Sheldon Wolin describes as an inverted totalitarianism as we have devolved into. Ironically, it is quite probable that the team of anti-Castro paramilitary personnel that were being trained in America to assassinate Fidel Castro were re-tasked to commit the JFK murder by having their operational plans altered. This was easily accomplished since they hated JFK for not fully supporting them during the Bay of Pigs invasion, which JFK inherited from the Eisenhower Presidency and did not support but it was already in progress when he assumed office and he made the mistake of trusting the CIAs assessments. 6. Who the shooters were; More than likely three to four teams of expert sharpshooters from France and around the world. Some of these are known and others are not but they are in fact irrelevant since they were only pawns in this coup d’état. The corporate elite, both inside and outside of America, the government, the Federal Reserve, which is a banking cartel OUTSIDE of our governments reach, the shadow-military, the secret service and intelligence agencies were ALL involved. The fact that they used the mafia to acquire some of the hit men is virtually irrelevant since the mafia could not have done the things necessary to get President Kennedy set up in (at least) a triangulated position, or cause a stand down of the Presidents security detail so he could be murdered. 7. I would be willing to bet that Lee Harvey Oswald had NOTHING to do with the shooting and was most probably trying to alert the FBI of the plot. All records have been destroyed and the witnesses that werent murdered are now dying of old age. Any sharpshooter who was told he would be acting alone would confirm that the best time to have shot President Kennedy would have been as the limosine was APPROACHING the School Book Depository building, which would have offered a clear (unobstructed) frontal shot. The only reason to allow the motorcade to proceed around that hair pin turn was to get JFK into a triangulated KILLING ZONE. There is now evidence of AT LEAST 14 bullets having been fired at the President and at least two of them, the neck wound, which was hidden by the unnecessary tracheotomy and the right forehead wound that took out the back of the Presidents skull and 25 to 33% of his brain. WE MUST NEVER FORGET NOR STOP REACHING OUT TO PROSECUTE THOSE INVOLVED, not only in the murder, BUT IN THE ONGOING COVER UP! WHY EVEN CARE FIFTY YEARS LATER? Because the victors write the history books and if we dont know what happened then we will be less likely to see similar murders and cover ups in our own time, like those that occurred at Waco, Texas, with the Brach Dividians or the INSIDE JOB of 9/11/2001, which gave these same elites the opportunity to take us into illegal wars of aggression and further shut down our rights with such atrocities as the Patriot Acts (1 & 2) and ridiculous Supreme Court rulings such as: Citizens United vs. the Federal Election Board decision which in effect legalizes bribery by any corporation IN THE WORLD (American or NOT!) to affect the outcome of OUR elections.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 20:11:23 +0000

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