PLEASE REMEMBER COLIN Colin John Smith 1982 - 1991 Died aged seven Today marks the 25th anniversary of the death of Colin Smith. He was a haemophiliac, but despite that lived a normal fun-filled life, along with his two brothers and his mum and dad, Janet and Colin senior.Then, in the middle of the AIDS crisis he was given a non-emergency operation, during which he was given a batch of blood product. Colin died, of AIDS, aged seven, in Janets arms, weighing around the same as a baby. His family have never recovered from it, and never will. Please, as you read tomorrows APPG report and as you watch the debate, either at home on TV, remember Colin and all of those who, like him cant be there with us. Please remember all of those who might not see the end of this year. Please, above all, know that we are, at the moment, the lucky ones. Thousands of people, like Colin, simply didnt make it this far. He never had the chance to join the cubs, play football for his school, have a girlfriend, go travelling or get married. He never owned his first car or his own home, and didnt have a chance of children of his own. He didnt go to college and never had a job. Instead, his short life was filled with hospitals, doctors and illness. He was just a little boy, but a very special one who we, at TB, always keep in mind as we campaign. So please, at this special time in the campaign, remember Colin, and all the others we have lost. If you want to read Colins story, follow the link below. Otherwise, please take a few moments to read this poem, written by his Mum: Hello my darling, my little son, Ive been thinking of you today. Sometimes I feel so very close, Sometimes so far away; But I know youre very near us For youre kept within our hearts, And I know with all the love we feel Well never be apart. I remember the fun we used to share God, how we used to laugh! The little secrets we used to have We whisper while were apart. Ill give you some flowers today, sweetheart, And Ill smile at you and say: Ill see you in my dreams tonight, Then Ill look to you and pray. I know Ill see you, darling, I know youll hear me pray, And with Gods help, my little boy, Well meet again someday. God Bless You, my baby. See you soon. Mummy.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 21:42:32 +0000

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