PLEASE SHARE -- SPREAD THE WORD TO ALL AMERICANS...AND VOTE !...It is crucial that Americans learn who and what theyre really being asked to vote for, and why -- America needs to see who is really pulling all the strings of the GOP. They must learn that any vote for any republican is a vote for the Koch brothers social-agenda. It is they who fund virtually all GOP campaigns and candidates, as well as numerous so called think tanks, which determine agenda, like the Americans for Prosperity and ALEC. The Kochs have spearheaded the entire destructive, GOP agenda ALL FOR THEIR OWN PROFIT, with little or no concern for the lives of the rest of us. Theyve proven to have no regard for any life, they are the biggest polluters in the history of human kind, with multiple convictions, and most responsible for weakening of laws meant to protect us from their pollution. They now threaten our survival on Earth. It is not exaggeration to say that the plight of the free world, and survival of our species, and all others on Earth rests on Americans WAKING UP and keeping these blind ideological oligarchs from taking any more control of our government our world environment, and democracy. GET OUT AND VOTE.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:29:49 +0000

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