PLEASE SHARE (NO GIVE ME LIKE A PHOTO) AT LEAST 3 PEOPLE, IF POSSIBLE WITH MORE, BUT PLEASE READ THE ARTICLE. WE LOOKING FOR WORK AND YOU CALL 2 OR MORE YEARS OF EXPERIENCE, HAVING COMPLETED THE RACE AND THIS WOMAN MORE THAN 23 YEARS WITHOUT SCHOOL IS DEPUTY Plurinominal truncated. So ¿¿Where arrive???? PRD ... and plurinominal. This is the image of Deputy Tovar Crystal Aragon: And this is his profile (the MEP). • Date of Birth: January 23, 1990 • Birthplace: Chihuahua • Position: Deputy Federal • Party: PRD • Type of choice: Proportional representation (PLURI) • Education: High ½ • previous relevant Fee: 2011-2012: Member of the Government Council of the School of Accounting • Administration and the Autonomous University of Chihuahua In summary, 23 years old, has not even finished high school, his office most outstanding was a student society, is PRDista and Era132 as his Facebook profile and make $ 152, 446 net weights (77 000 888 pesos for diet, 45 000 786 for legislative assistance and 28 000 772 for their management and Citizen) but absolutely NO ONE to vote for her. ¿Did you use gender equality????? Hummmm Oh I know!! Proposal REQUIREMENT over 55 Million Mexicanos Some of "our brightest representatives" multimember: THE BEGINNING OF THE END ............. COMPARTRLO PLEASE BY ALL NETWORKS. CIRCLE THAT! IF WE HAVE LABOR REFORM WHICH HAVE THEM TOO. IS IT JUST TALK TO MEXICO ... Subject: JOIN BILL! We ask each follower of this page to share this image on your wall and ask your friends to do the same. In 3 days, most people in this country have this message. This is an idea that really should be considered and reviewed to benefit the people. PROPOSED REFORM ACT OF CONGRESS. (Amendment to the Constitution of the United Mexican States). 1. The deputy will be paid only during his term, and will not only retirement from the mandate. Two. The deputy contribute to Social Security, like all other citizens. The Congressional retirement fund will go to the current system of Social Security immediately. Congressman benefits participate in the Social Security system just like all other citizens. The pension fund can not be used for any other purpose. Three. The deputy must pay your retirement plan, like all Mexicans. April. The deputy NO may vote their own pay increase. May. The deputy will present health insurance and participate in the same health system as other Mexican citizens. June. The deputy must also comply with the same laws as the rest of the Mexicans, so cease the jurisdiction. July. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. Members must fulfill their mandates (for no more than 2 terms) and then go home and look for another job. ALL MEMBERS 8.ELIMINAR multimember 200 Two hundred, Peña Nieto commitment he made in his campaign. And also to the 32 Senators multimember. If you pass this message to a minimum of twenty people, in three days many Mexicans receive it. The time to support and present this amendment to the constitution is NOW AND SO CAN YOU FIX CONGRESS MEMBERS OF LORDS. If you agree with the above, share it and, if not, just ignore it. Please keep this message DRIVING. AS CITIZENS, IF YOU DO NOT COMPLAIN UNES!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 10:34:27 +0000

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