PLEASE SHARE ...SEE BELOW HOW EACH OF YOU CAN HELP NO MATTER WHERE IN THE WORLD YOU LIVE.......OLIVIA NEEDS ALL OUR VOICES!!!!!!!! This is the saddest story...and what makes it even worse is the fact that so many people dont care!!!! This hurts my heart to hear comments like poor Livs mommy has heard...a life is a life regardless of the number of legs and feet that the living, breathing being has. Just because a cat is not human does not mean we have the right to discount its rights to be given justice for crimes committed against it...The worst predators in the world are HUMANS...Those that torture, maim and kill deserve to be punished for their atrocities against others...human or otherwise. Please stand up and let your voice be heard...let the Saginaw County Prosecuting Atty know that this monster should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for crimes against Olivia Liv...It is truly a shame that like punishment is not allowed...I would love to see this sad excuse for a human tortured and broken the way Liv was...There is a very special place in Hell for worthless pieces of crap like him...may he find his way there soon!! From all of us at The Kitty Kanteen Feral Cat and Kitten Rescue...and especially from our wonderful Yellow Labbie sister, who is also named Olivia, we wish this very special Feline and her Family nothing but happiness for the future.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 21:42:56 +0000

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