PLEASE SHARE SEPTEMBER 3 - DAY 3 OF CHILDHOOD CANCER AWARENESS I decided to post about our battles whether good or bad. To be honest before my daughter was diagnosed I had no clue what the child and parents REALLY went through. I was like everyone else just enjoying everyday and living everyday as normal. FACT: Children and adolescents who have been treated for cancer need regular follow-up care for the rest of their lives because they are at risk of late side effects that can occur many years later, including second cancers. Jalenes story day 3: After Jalenes first surgery to put in the shunt she was on a ventilator. They left her on it for a few days because of the brain surgery that was to follow. They did how ever let her wake up some. She would respond by shaking her head no or giving a thumbs up for questions we would ask her. She had to go about 37 hours with a ventilator before her brain surgery that took place one April 14, 2014. The surgeon came in on April 13 to talk to me about her surgery. At this time we didnt know that the tumor was cancerous. He told me that he would be working with two other surgeons for the operation. He let me know that there was a big chance that they would go in and not be able to get the tumor. He also said that when they tried there was a big chance of her getting paralyzed on one side, losing eye site, losing her ability to talk, walk, or hearing. He said when he went in he would be touching all parts of her brain to get to the center right ventricle where the tumor was located. He said he was working on a plan on where to go for the resection of the tumor. Then ask if i had any questions. I asked nothing I had no words I felt like i had no brain to think. I said no questions see you in the morning. The rest of the day was a blur except for Jalene smiling at me with the ventilator hooked up. That day consisted of prayer. I wanted my baby back with no side affects. I ask God to please take everything out and I didnt care how but to please give me back my baby talking, walking, hearing, playing, and seeing. During all this did the word cancer cross my mind. I just thought there going to remove this and she will be ok. The next morning came so fast. The next thing I knew she was being taken from me again for yet another surgery and this time a big long surgery. The surgeon came in and said this is what are plan is and he drew a head and where he would cut. The cut went straight across the front. He said he wouldnt know till he went in where they would cut because it depended on the blood vessels around. The surgery was to last 4 hours but only took 3. I got a call saying the surgeon said he was 95% sure her got it all. Family and friends celebrated with me. The surgeon walked out a few minutes later couldnt have been more than 2 or 3 minutes after the call. I was so happy I thanked him gave him a hug. Then he gave me told me I am 95 percent sure I got the entire tumor and I also cleaned out her right ventricle. But we did do a quick analysis on the tumor and it is malignant . He then began to say that he believed it was a PNET tumor but further testing had to be done and it could take anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks for a final result. He said in a few days we will have a preliminary report because she will have to start treatment very very soon. My mom was there with me as I got the news and all I could say was can we please just celebrate the tumor being removed. I will deal with the cancer tomorrow I just want to have a day of happiness that God help the surgeon Dr. Megahead get a tumor out. ...more tomorrow day 4
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 08:14:03 +0000

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