PLEASE SHARE SEPTEMBER 8- DAY 8 OF CHILDHOOD CANCER AWARENESS I decided to post about our battles the good and bad. To be honest before my daughter was diagnosed I had no clue what the child and parents REALLY went through. Before April 12, 2014, I was like everyone else just enjoying everyday and living everyday as most of us do. FACT: All type of childhood cancers combined only receive 4% of US federal funding for research. ONLY 4% Jalenes Journey continues: So after getting released from Jalenes stem cell collection we got to go home for about 6 days. Even though we got to go home we still had to keep up with our clinic appointments . This is where Jalene started establishing a routine. Everytime we would leave clinic there a long walkway that we have to go through to get to our car. In the walk way there were different trees tall, short, small, and big and well she wanted to take pictures in front of the tree. So in going through her pictures you will probably notice numerous pictures of her standing in front of a tree. Back where weve gone from day one to now . May 21st to June 1st Jalene was being admitted for her second round of chemo. This admission wasnt too difficult. I think because it was still pretty brand new to me and Jalene we just took it as another step in the process. Now we did come in thinking we would be admitted for a week and a half to two weeks. The doctor came in to see us the before chemo was to start. He informed me that the major chemo medication methotrexate was being taken off her protocol. To me this was surprising only because I was told this was one of the major medication that would help to keep the tumor from growing back. I ask many questions but there was no right answer. He explained that either we give her the medication and it do major damage to her organs, being that her body didnt release the medication fast enough or we take her off and hope that all the other chemo medicines would help. I have come to learn very quickly that most of the decisions you make for your child in a situation like this theres never a time where one decision is better than the other. By this admission things started to get pretty real. I noticed Jalenes hair begin to fall. She didnt notice it was falling out because of her short haircut. She would just see little hair is here and there. I noticed bald spots and my heart. She was getting noticeably weaker and everything she would try to do was a little harder. For example when she used to be able to play for hours she could now only last 20 or 30 minutes at most.... More tomorrow day 9.....
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 11:10:26 +0000

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