(PLEASE SHARE THIS STATUS FOR ME AND HELP ME GET IT TO ELLEN DEGENERES)DEAR ELLEN DEGENERES I NEED YOUR HELP WITH SPREADING MY CAUSE IN MEMORY OF MY SON ZACK 4EVER9.You would make a great spokes person on drowning pervention. Im turning my sons tragedy into a legacy in the hopes to save other children. Everybody has a drowning story, everybody knows someone who has drowned, or someone who had a member of their family drown, or experienced a near drowning event themselves or in their family, close to 500 people die every year in water related incidents. In 2007 408 people drowned in Canada. Drowning is the second leading cause of preventable death for children under 10 years of age. 69% of drownings occured in lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and oceans and 7% occured in private pools. Drownings can occur very quickly, in less than 10 seconds and is often silent :( 80% of drownings are males. Swimming is a life skill. Remember swimming lessons start at 3months old please dont wait 2 long for your child 2 learn this life saving skill. I want everyone 2 know my sons Zacks story....he lost his life tragically in the Nottawasaga River in Wasaga Beach Canada July 18th 2012 he is 4ever9. The pain of losing a child is simple TORTURE...I wake up every day knowing my little man isnt here..it hurts bad..real bad...If my son had swimming lessons at 3 months he would be here today...instead he is 4ever9 and 4ever my angel and he is looking down and wants no child to suffer from drowning..every child needs 2 learn how 2 swim.Please share zacks bracelets 4 swimming lessons help me get more likes. Change starts with one person..That person is me. Much love Zacks mom m.facebook/zacksbracelets4swimminglessons So far 84 children will recieve free swimming lessons in memory of Zack. Here is Zacks story barrie.ctvnews.ca/a-wasaga-beach-mom-is-creating-a-legacy-for-her-drowned-son-1.1431145#.Uh9AZxjVrQ.facebook
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 14:05:02 +0000

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