PLEASE SHARE TO SHOW OUR GRATITUDE TO THE WORLD. A LETTER OF A THOUSAND THANKS Dear All, It has been a week now since the most powerful cyclone hit some parts of the Philippines and since then we have received an overwhelming amount of support from all over the world. On behalf of all the Filipinos in the Philippines and all over the globe, a massive thank you to all of you from the bottom of our hearts. May all your good deeds come back to you a thousand times over. Many of you without hesitation made a heartfelt donation even without much knowledge about the Philippines so please let me tell you a little bit about my country and its people. Our country is an archipelago composed of over 7000 islands filled with infinite natural beauty and amazing, hard working, long suffering, humble and resilient people. Everyone from my country is a hero, we love and help each other not because we have much but because we know what its like to have nothing. We have survived countless natural disasters and we always rise above it smiling and just grateful that we are alive. We don’t worry much about material things, to us, family is the most important treasure a man could have and as long as there is food on the table, we find a reason to be happy and be thankful for each day. Before foreign aid started pouring in, most Filipinos already started mobilising aid locally as we always do whenever disaster strikes. As a testimony to our strong sense of community, schools, churches, charities and families already started digging in in their pockets and collecting whatever little they have to help. Millions of our hard working overseas Filipino workers already started sending help back home. Every single one of us did and are still doing our part to help, no matter how big or small. We were not expecting this much attention from the world but we are extremely grateful and we hope that someday, we could repay your generosity. From the children who sold lemonade on a street stand, to a kid who gave his piggy bank savings to help the victims of Haiyan. To all TV and radio stations who gave this disaster sufficient airtime, to the newspapers that called the attention of the world to help. To the media and everyone in the showbiz, music and fashion industry who used their platforms to bring attention to this cause. To all private and public charities, all the governments in the world who mobilised their administration to help the Philippines. To all the men and women who are currently in the ground zero trying tirelessly to reach remote areas and to all of you who extended your help to us when we Filipinos most needed it, thank you, thank you and thank you to all of you. We are deeply humbled by your generosity. We hope someday, you will have a chance a visit our wonderful country and see for yourself the beauty we have to offer. Thank you for recognising that global warming have a catastrophic effect especially to vulnerable countries like ours. Thank you for sacrificing that usual morning Starbucks and other luxuries just so you could give a few pennies to the victims. Thank you for standing in the cold doing fundraising for a country you have never even heard of. Thank you to all the countries who put aside political conflicts amidst this disaster, Thank you for your time, thank you for sending us good wishes, thank you for your sympathy and thank you for your prayers. Most importantly thank you for showing the world that there is still a lot of goodness and humanity left in us, that during time of calamities like this, we could all come as one. To all my countrymen and the Philippine government, thank you for all your hard work. To the victims of typhoon Haiyan, thank you for bearing with us and thank you for your patience. Thank you for showing the world such humility, courage and resilience. We will not leave one person behind. There are still so much to be done, we haven’t even scratched the surface yet but together, we will rise above this as we have in the past but for now, let us all unite in giving thanks to the people that made and will make this possible. Yours Sincerely, Katherine Micoleta Whellams Proud and Grateful Filipino Share po natin para mabasa ng lahat ng dayuhan na tumulong sa atin. #creatorjass
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 03:27:04 +0000

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