PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE this petition worldwide in an effort to ask - TopicsExpress


PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE this petition worldwide in an effort to ask Bangladesh and the wildlife conservators who have housed rescued tiger cubs; do not release any of the young cubs into the wild to fend for themselves. These youngsters have been reared with humans at the conservatory since their rescue from smugglers back in 2012. They have no idea how to survive in the wild and this indeed would be a very risky release for any of these youngsters! Dont release this little girl planned in a few weeks. She will surely die! Wildlife conservators in Bangladesh are contemplating releasing one of their young tigers that were rescued from smugglers back in 2012. They obviously harmed the mother or she was already deceased; they took these babies away from her but were eventually caught. The tiger cubs were then rescued by the conservationists where they were reared, three cubs without a mom. They now believe these youngsters are of age to be released in to the Sundarbans were previous animals were released, with questionable and unsuccessful results. The cubs are currently 27 months old and Jothi, one of the females is being considered for release. This would be very risky for her. Officials state that “We plan to release the tigress to the Sundarbans East Wildlife Sanctuary, but no time frame for the release has been decided. She will be released for ecological and home-range study purposes and will be fitted with a satellite radio collar.” Members of the forestry department are in favor of this release as an experiment; however, wildlife expert Ali Reza Khan stated that “The experiment would cost the tiger its life. It is an endangered species. The wildlife act does not permit experiments with endangered species. The tigress would not know how to hunt and would be vulnerable to other animals in the wild. If the tigress were released, it would be a serious crime. Another expert was noted saying that “The main challenge for releasing the tigress is cultivating her independence and self-reliance. Since she was raised by humans, Jothi remains unprepared for life in the wild. The protocols for re-introduction are a must. The tigress first needs to be acclimatized to the Sundarbans. She needs to develop hunting skills, otherwise she may not survive. Jothi should not be released into the wild! She will not survive! Read full story at Jothis Risky Release. Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to ask Bangladesh and the wildlife conservators who have housed rescued tiger cubs; do not release any of the young cubs into the wild to fend for themselves. These youngsters have been reared with humans at the conservatory since their rescue from smugglers back in 2012. They have no idea how to survive in the wild and this indeed would be a very risky release for any of these youngsters! Dont release this little girl planned in a few weeks. She will surely die! THANK YOU XX
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 17:21:37 +0000

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